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"I'm going to murder you, Barnes." You almost growled as you stared each other down.

"Bring it, [y/l/n]."


The door slammed shut and you found yourself pressed against it while Bucky was savagely attacking your neck with kisses.
You fumbled with the buttons of his shirt which was a real mission impossible considering he kept grinding himself against you.

"God, I hate you, Barnes." You breathlessly moaned as his hand, that wasn't holding you against the wall, started pulling at the zipper of your jeans.

"Just shut up." He groaned as he sucked on your sweet spot.

You pried him off your neck and roughly kissed him before getting to work on his belt.
He looked down at you with an amused expression which pissed you off even more.

"This will be the first and last time you see me on my knees before you." You said and he pulled you up to your feet again.

"That's what they all say." He smirked and you swatted his hand away that was unbuttoning your blouse and pushed him down to the bed and you were quick to be on top of him.

You heard him groan as you ran your hands up and down his chest under his shirt and a satisfied smile spread on your face while you kissed him roughly.
Not noticing how he unbuttoned your shirt, he pulled it off of you and rolled on top of you, pinning your hands above your head.

"Let go of my hands or I'll bite you." You threatened but Bucky didn't feel intimidated and chuckled darkly.

"Aren't we a kinky one?" He asked playfully and you arched your back off the mattress when his hand found its way into your jeans.

"I should've known you'd like that." He frowned slightly and a grin grew on your face.

"Thinking isn't your forte apparently." You mocked which earned you a sharp pull of your hair.

Another moan escaped your throat and you tried everything to escape Bucky's grip on your wrists so you could run your own hands through his hair.
His hold on you grew loose and you took the opportunity to tug at his hair, causing another deep groan to erupt from the depths of his throat.
He sat up and you followed, moving your legs so you were straddling him and helped him pull the shirt over his head.

"We could do this more often if you weren't such a bitch." Bucky muttered against your collarbone and you rolled your eyes and pulled at his hair again.

"We could do this more often if you actually had some experience." You mocked which caused him to pull away and glare at you.

"Oh no, did I hurt little Bucky's feelings?" You continued, knowing he'd punish you which you were secretly looking forward to.

"Oh doll, you're in for a surprise." He smirked before smacking a hand on your butt, which made you squeal.

With a scowl, you pushed him on his back and went to unclasp your bra when someone suddenly knocked on the door.
Bucky smirked at you, his hands on your waist keeping you in place as he called for the person to come in.
It really wasn't your lucky day since it had to be Steve to walk in on you, half naked and straddling his best friend.

"Hiya Steve! How's it going?" Bucky asked, his vision upside down from laying on the bed with his head at the foot of it.

You managed to get out of Bucky's death grip and ran into his bathroom, slamming the door shut.
Steve stood in the doorframe and looked like his worst nightmare just became real and to top things off, Tony followed.

"Hey, Cap! Have you see- what in the name of all fucks are you doing, Barnes?" Tony asked upon seeing Bucky, shirtless with his head hanging off the ledge.

"Well [y/n] and I were in the middle of something when Steve walked in and now you're here and kinda ruined the mood." Bucky explained nonchalantly to which you poked your head out of the bathroom.

"We weren't in the middle of anything!" You exclaimed angrily and Tony's eyes fell on you, an equally disturbed look becoming apparent in his face.

"Oh yeah? Then what is this and why are you not wearing it?" Bucky asked with your bra dangling off his middle finger.

How you wished to wipe that smug grin off his face but you were nearly naked and Steve and Tony were still in the room.
Steve backtracked our of the room, his innocent mind scarred for life but Tony still had some questions left unanswered.

"Wait, wait, wait, hold up! Don't you two hate each other?" Tony asked, bewildered.

"We do." You both said at the same time.

"Then what the fuck is this?" Tony threw his hands up in exasperation while looking at the two of you, expecting an explanation.

"What's your problem, Stark? You jealous that I hit it first?" Bucky asked mockingly.

"Excuse me?" You asked, anger obvious in your voice. "Hit it first? Is this some kind of high school movie where there's a bet going on on who gets to bang the new chick first? I think the fuck not! Tony, get out and Bucky, once Tony's gone, I'm getting the hell out of here!"

Tony mimicked Steve's movement and slowly backed out of the room and the tension in the room was thick enough to cut with a knife.
You got dressed again, Bucky doing the same and when you went for the door, Bucky put a hand on yours to stop you from leaving.

"[Y/n], I'm sorry, I didn't mean it li-"

You cut him off with a strong slap that left an imprint of your hand on his left cheek before you left his room with a shake of your head.
Bucky's eyes followed you, his hand lingering on where you had slapped him and he slowly but surely realized that he didn't want you to leave.
He didn't want you to leave him alone again.
He didn't hate you.
He wanted you, all of you. From your body to the boldness of your personality, he wanted everything that remotely had anything to do with you.
If only he would've thought before opening his mouth, you might still have been here.
If only he would've been better, you'd be his now.

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