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Your gaze was focused on your phone as you walked into the elevator and pressed the button of your designated floor.
Natasha was bombing you via text that you should finally tell Bucky about your feelings for him and you were thinking about blocking her so she couldn't bother you anymore.

You looked up from your phone screen when the elevator came to a halt and the doors opened.
Bucky walked in, also focused on something on his phone that you taught him how to use and barely realized you in the corner of the elevator.
Natasha wasn't wrong about you and having a crush on the metal armed super soldier but it was the magnitude of your feelings that she miscalculated.

"H-hey, Bucky." You said quietly and he looked up at you with a small smile.

"Hey, y/n. How are you?" He asked, shoving his phone into his back pocket and redirecting his concentration on you.

"Um, pretty good! How about you?" Whenever you were nervous, you would start playing with your necklace and as of right now, you were twisting the charm in between your fingers in attempt to calm yourself down.

"Can't complain."

That's a first you thought.
Bucky pressed the button for the ground floor and leaned against the wall opposite of yours, stuffing his hands in his pocket.
He seemed awfully relaxed which was rare.
Ever since Steve made him join the team, he'd always been cautious with being around other people because of his metal arm, afraid he would hurt someone.

You flinched and hastily grabbed on to the railing, when a wave of shock went through the elevator, causing it to stop moving.
Sharing concerned looks, Bucky pressed the button multiple times but nothing happened.
Suddenly, Tony's voice sounded over the PA inside the elevator.

"Guys we're having some trouble in the lab and you two might be stuck in there for a while." Tony explained and you took a deep breath.

"Tony, you totally did this on purpo-" Steve said but Tony caught him off.

"We're trying our best to get everything up and running again."


Tony, Natasha and Steve stood before the security monitors that surveyed the elevator and everyone but Steve wore amused expressions.
Bruce left earlier because he couldn't care less if you and Bucky were "stuck" in an elevator or not.

"I don't think this was a good idea." Steve said but neither Nat or Tony would hear of it.

"Shut it, Capsicle. I can't stand these two anymore. I won't start the elevator until they confessed their feelings to each other." Tony crosses his arms in front of his chest like a toddler who was told to go clean his room.

"Both of them keep telling me how perfect the other one is and it's seriously starting to get annoying." Natasha added.

"But isn't y/n claustrophobic?" Steve asked and a worried look of realization grew on Tony and Natasha's faces.

"Bucky can be there for her." Nat finally said and earned herself a high five from Tony.

"Love the way you think, red." Tony smirked. "Love the way you think."


Meanwhile, Bucky had tried to pull open the doors but Tony made sure that there was no way out until he got the thing started again.
You sat on the floor, your focus entirely on your necklace to keep yourself from panicking.
Small spaces have always terrified you but you didn't want to have a nervous breakdown in front of the guy you liked.

"Looks like we're going to spend some time in here." Bucky sighed heavily before leaning against the wall and looking up at the security camera.

You distantly gazed on the floor before you, trying to keep yourself composed but the air around you was seemingly becoming thinner and thinner.
The fact that Bucky was taking so much space of the small cabinet with his broad form alone was only making things worse.
He didn't notice you trembling with your knees pulled up to your face until you spoke up with your voice on the verge of breaking.

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