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[y/f/n] = your father's name

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[y/f/n] = your father's name

Bucky was a reserved personality.
He kept to himself, he loved the privacy of his room and he thanked the gods for the invention of Spotify and earplugs.
So there he sat, legs propped up on the living room table, listening to music while scrolling through his phone.
He wasn't one to read those gossip blogs like E!News and such but one particular article caught his attention.

[Y/n] [y/l/n] gets down to business...with Captain America?

Anger rose within the soldier when he read your name and recognized you and Steve on the picture below the headline.
It's not the first time your name has graced a headline since you were a businesswoman and Steve has been your best friend ever since you started working alongside of Tony.
At one point, Steve introduced you to the team and you and Bucky hit it off right away.
He loved how outgoing you were and he noticed how you treated him slightly differently than the others.
You were kind to everyone but there was more sympathy with Bucky and he felt you tried a little harder to make him smile.

Every time you visited Steve, you made sure to stop by Bucky's room and at least say hello.
You've gone out for coffee a few times and Bucky couldn't help but want more than just your sympathy and reading the article below didn't make him feel any better.

[Y/n] [Y/l/n] is a well known and successful businesswoman.
Hard work and dedication drove her to the top where she shares the throne with the king of technology himself, Tony Stark.
There's not much we know about her private life but this looks like an interesting glimpse, doesn't it?
Who knew that the daughter of [y/f/n] was dating America's all time favorite superhero?
Anyone who can make [y/n] smile like this, should be considered marriage material.
But who wouldn't want to marry Captain America?

Bucky didn't hear the elevator bell ring over his earphones so he almost broke your arm when you came up behind him and wrapped your arms around him in a hug.

"And here I thought you'd be happy to see me, considering I brought you coffee." You grinned and Bucky's eyes landed on the two cups of coffee in the hand he wasn't holding at a painful angle.

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear you come in." He mumbled and gave you a small smile, taking the cup from your hand.

"So I have a meeting with Pepper in five minutes but how about we go out afterwards? A friend of mine opened up a diner, very 50's and vintage." You offered. "You in?"

Bucky was about to walk out but your proposal made him stop.
He rolled his eyes in annoyance before he turned around to you.
Your gleeful smile almost made his anger vanish until the picture popped up in his mind again.

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