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"[Y/n], please! I swear it's not what-"

"If you presume to tell me it's not what it looks like, I will shoot you in the fucking face."

Scrambling to get dressed, Bucky followed you, ignoring the team's judging stares and blocked your way into the elevator by standing in the doors.

"Barnes, get out of the way now." You hissed.

"Not until you let me explain." He countered.

"What is there to explain?" You threw your hands up in an exasperated manner. "She threw herself at you? You told her that you've got a girlfriend but she didn't listen? She overpowered you?"

"It's not like that, [Y/n]." He muttered.

"Then what is it? Because you seemed pretty invested in tearing her clothes off!" You waited for an answer but pushed him out of your way when he failed to give you one.

All he did was stare at you with his big blue eyes and you could tell how sorry he was but you couldn't care less.
You thought after everything he's been through, he'd be decent enough not to cheat on you.
You thought he was different.

"I want you to stay away from me, James. Don't show up at my place with flowers or some shit. I don't want to see you anymore." Your voice lacked conviction but you were glad when the elevator doors closed and Bucky disappeared from your line of sight.

Once you reached the ground floor, you rushed past the other agents who all casted weird and confused looks at you and only when you got into your car, you broke down.
Hammering your fists against the steering wheel, tears blurred your vision and sobs tore through your throat while you let your head rest on the wheel.
Two years of your life, out the window.
Your insecurities were quick to gnaw at your self esteem.
You probably drove him right into her arms, constantly being at work, turning him down because of paperwork and such.
You always believed you weren't good enough for him anyway and now your beliefs had been confirmed.
Wiping your tears away with the back of your hand, you drove home so you could wallow in self pity and drown yourself in wine and snacks.


"No, thanks Wanda. I just want to be alone right now." You placed the phone on the counter and opened the wine bottle.

"[Y/n], c'mon! He's this depressed hunk of sadness, at least let him tell his side of the story." Wanda said and you rolled your eyes.

"I don't want to hear his side of the story, Wanda." You stated and refilled your glass for the sixth time this evening.

It's been a week since you walked in on Bucky and, who turned out to be Tony's assistant and to say you were in a bad state would be an understatement.
Natasha forced her way into your apartment to make sure you were taking care of yourself but once she was gone, the alcohol cabinet was unlocked and the glass refilled because that was the only way, you didn't have to actively remember what happened.
Bucky had listened to you and gave you your space but every night he sat in his room with his phone in his hand, contemplating on whether to call you and try to apologize or just leave it be like you wanted him to.
The reason why you took this so hard was because it wasn't the first time, a man left you for someone else and after the third time, you gave up on relationships all together until Bucky walked into your life.

Starting off as friends, you soon reached Steve's level of friendship with Bucky and after one slightly inebriated get together, it became serious.
Two years later, you were Shield's power couple with trainees gushing to you about how lucky you were and Tony teasing Bucky for 'banging the Shield Agent' and it couldn't have been better until last week.
One time you've met Tony's assistant in the hallway and she flashed you a perfect smile, knowing she ruined a relationship and you didn't know whether you wanted to kill her or not.
At the same moment, Bucky was pacing up and down his room, while Natasha was just chilling on his bed, chewing gum while listening to him rant.

Bucky Barnes Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now