I love you - Request

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Your body hurt

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Your body hurt.
You were sore and felt unable to move, let alone walk.
But boy did it feel good.
The man you were slowly falling in love with was next to you, his metal arm was wrapped around you, cooling your heated skin.
Bucky took great pleasure in leaving the weekly game night with you and give it to you like no other man had before him and relished in the feeling of having you snuggled to his side.
Pressing a kiss to your cheek, he whispered in your ear.

"I love you, Gina."

A pang of sadness shot through your heart at hearing him say that name, which isn't yours.
Now, you and Bucky haven't really put a label on what you had but you shared a room, weren't seeing any other people and well...had done the deed more than once so you were on your way to a steady relationship.
But apparently his ex-girlfriend still crosses his mind.
The breakup was nasty, he caught her with another guy and even though she was completely wasted, she managed to fight for him but she broke his trust, something Bucky didn't give to people without consideration.
You'd been his rock afterwards and to say you grew on him was an understatement.
He was more than grateful that you helped him get over her and when he asked you out you thought he finally forgot about her and you had a chance of acting on your growing crush on him but apparently you were wrong.

"You know," you sighed. "My name isn't Gina."

"I didn't-" He chuckled but you cut him off.

"You did." You said sadly.

Removing his arm from your waist, you took the duvet to cover yourself and sat up, looking around the room for your clothes.

"[Y/n], I'm sorry. You know best that she's no longer a part of my life and that you're my number one priority." He sat behind you, his flesh hand massaging your shoulder while he pressed subtle kisses down your neck.

"I should've known. You loved her and no one gets over losing a loved one so easily. Believe me I know what I'm talking about." You admitted sadly and started putting on your clothes.

"Doll, please. You helped me get over her so why should I still feel for her when I got you right here with me?" Bucky asked.

"Bucky, I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at myself for thinking I'd get more than a few dates and the other pleasurable night here and there." You laughed at yourself and turned to the door. "You're still hurting and I took advantage of that."

"No, you didn't. I let you, [y/n]. I let you in because I needed you to forget her. Please don't leave." His pleading voice made you feel guilty and you felt like you deserved it.

It's a childish crush you developed on him and Gina was a true woman, who could live up to Bucky's standards while you were just the quirky and introverted girl who was better at killing people than talking about her feelings.
You knew that if you stayed a minute longer you'd give into Bucky's pleads but you needed to get away from him.
It was clear that he wasn't over her yet and you believed that he had to sort this out with himself and not with you.

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