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"She's the one who trained me, she made me this killing machine! I have to take her out, Steve and I don't care if you help me or not."


You sat in your car, waiting for the stoplight to turn green when a black Jeep pulled up next to you.
The matte black and the tinted windows made you believe it was some government official driving around but when the window was rolled down and a young man with brown hair had his metal arm leaning over the rim, your grip tightened on the steering wheel.
You had heard that the Winter Soldier has joined the Avengers and had retrieved most of his memories and you didn't have to be a genius to know that he wanted to kill everyone linked to his past.

Hydra had made you his coach of some sort.
You trained him, had other people fight him and if they lost, he passed the test and was sent on the next mission.
You made him the most feared assassin ever and now he was after you with the full intention of using those acquired skills on you.

The light turned green and you started driving, constantly checking your rear view mirror and the black Jeep was right behind you.
He followed you until you reached the highway.

"You want to play catch? Catch me if you can then." You muttered to yourself before hitting the gas and leaving Bucky behind you.

A smirk grew on the soldier's face and he floored it, quickly catching to you.
He rear ended you and you tried to swerve until he got off your tail but apparently he was a good driver.

"Sam, take the wheel." He ordered before opening the car door.

"What are you going to do?" He asked bewildered while holding the steering wheel steady.

"Remember DC when I ripped out your steering wheel?" Bucky asked with a smirk before climbing out on the hood and leaping on to the roof of your car.

You heard the loud thump of his body on your trunk and immediately reached for the gun in the front compartment before firing at the roof.
Bucky barely evaded the bullets and finally managed to pull himself to the front.
Smashing in your front window, he ripped the steering wheel out of its place and you watched him leap back on the hood of the Jeep, waiting for your car to crash with you in it.
You watched him close in on you and before he hit your rear end, you opened your door and rolled over the tarmac while your car toppled over and came to a stop.

You quickly got to your feet and aimed the gun at him but soon realized that you fired every bullet at the soldier when he was on your roof and robbed you of your steering wheel.
You discarded the gun and watched him strut over to you with that all too familiar murderous, emotionless stare and he went in for a knock out punch as soon as he reached you.

Swiftly blocking his attempt to bash your face in, you landed a kick to his stomach and started to run.
Unfortunately, he was quicker than you and tackled you to the ground, pinning your hands to the concrete.

"Remember me?" He taunted while keeping your squirming body trapped under his.

"Should be asking you the same thing." You shot back and head butted him, causing his hold on you to grow loose and allowing you to stand back up to your feet.

"You really want to fight me? I trained you, soldier, I know every countermove of everything you throw at me. You may be stronger but a brute with no brain doesn't win fights much often." You said and prepared yourself for the impending fight.

Bucky said nothing and went in for another hit but you blocked every single one of his attempts.
He aimed for your right cheek but you ducked under it and immediately landed three strong blows to his midsection.

"Keep your arms up soldier. Don't protect your face, but your body." You taunted but as he rested his hands on his knees, you allowed yourself a little break, which obviously was a mistake.

His metal fist connected with your chin and you stumbled backwards, something in your face definitely broken.
With a glare you jumped at him, using his momentary distraction and wrapped your legs around his head and squeezed them together, cutting off his air supply while slamming your elbows into his face.
Being in the middle of the highway, cars were still speeding past you, trying to evade the people fighting for or over their lives in the middle of the road and Bucky used you, sitting on his shoulders and threw you off in a gap in traffic.

You were quick enough to roll out of the path of the upcoming car and rested on your knees, blood trickling down from your nose and the corner of your lips.
You recognized the heavy combat boots in front of you and looked up to the soldier, his menacing glare able to put someone six feet under but quickly kicked his feet out under him.
You got on top of him, blocking his fists with your knees and started beating down on his face.

Sam still sat in the car doing exactly what Bucky told him to.
If he wasn't dying, Bucky strictly instructed Sam to stay in the car because you were his problem, not Sam's.
But now that he saw Bucky trapped under you and you mercilessly punching out his living daylights, he grabbed Bucky's gun and got out of the car, sprinting over to you before holding the barrel at your head.

"If you want your brains to remain where they are right now, you put your hands up and get off of him." Sam threatened and you put your hands up, slowly.

Bucky kicked you off of him and stood to his feet, letting you think he was done with you but he was far away from done with you.
His metal hand wrapped around your throat and pulled you up, your feet not touching the ground and slammed you down on the hood of an abandoned car, while squeezing the life out of you.

"You...ruined me. You...ruined everything." He growled through gritted teeth.

You weakly clawed at his arm, attempting to let air flow into your lungs again but Bucky was dead set on finishing this, here and now.
Tears of pain and exhaustion ran down your cheeks and to your luck, Sam put a hand on Bucky's shoulder, stopping him.

"Let's take her in. She'll know a lot about remaining Hydra bases we haven't found yet."
Sam said calmly but with a condescending look on you and reluctantly, Bucky let go of you.

You took a deep breath, gasping for air after a coughing fit consumed you and let your head drop on to the hood but you were quickly pulled up to your feet.
Bucky's metal arm had a firm grip on your upper arm as he dragged you to their car and opened the trunk before throwing you inside.
The trunk shut and darkness consumed you as you passed out.

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