Leap of faith

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"That must be the dumbest idea you ever had!" Bucky said, looking over the edge. 

"Well, it's early!" You replied with a shrug. 

You took another look over the edge, wondering what he was making such a fuss about. 
It was just a 1000 feet drop. 
Okay, maybe it was a little bit more, but still. 

"Stop whining and jump!" You ordered and took a few steps back. 

"I'm not going to jump! And neither are you!" He grabbed your arm before you could leap off the building. 

Aggravated, you pulled your arm out of his grip and looked around. 

"Bucky. Either we get shot by the people on our asses and killed or worse, taken in or we jump, survive and make it out of here!" You said, a little urgency in your voice. 

"We're not going to survive and make it out of here if we jump, y/n!" He argued

"You are a genetically enhanced soldier. If anyone would survive this fall, it's you!" You tried to convince him. 

He went back to the door that separated the staircase from the roof and checked whether the people hunting you have caught up to you already. 
He came back, still thinking of fighting his way out of this one. 
You knew that there were too many and he did too but he was too proud to admit that he wasn't able to take them all out. 

Suddenly, you had an idea. 
Since you planned your escape in advance and the only thing in between you and safety was Bucky, you did the only reasonable thing left to do. 

"Bucky, I'm extremely sorry but as much as I love you, as a friend, we have to go!" You urged him. 

"I'm not going to let you jump, y/n!" He said with a stern face. 

"I know! Which is why I'm extremely sorry!" 

You took one last look at his confused face before punching him, making him stumble back and push him over the edge. 
Watching him land in the open door of the helicopter you ordered, you took a few steps back and jumped over the edge but not before a sharp pain shot through your back. 

Almost missing the door, Bucky caught you and pulled you inside. 
He put you down and you immediately rolled on your stomach, crying out in pain. 

"Y/n what's wrong?" Clint rushed next to you from his seat and checked you for any injuries. 

"Bullet in my back!" You huffed out as another wave of pain shot through your back. 

"Shit." Clint put some pressure on the wound on your lower back and you almost screamed at the intense pain. 

"Y/n that bullet's got to go! I need you to be strong and stay awake for a few more minutes, can you do that for me, sweetheart?" He asked but you barely heard him over the pulse in your ear. 

You felt Bucky take your hand and draw small circles on it in attempt to distract you from the pain and soothe you a little bit but you felt every movement of the the tweezers and how it scraped over the bullet. 

Groaning and grippin Bucky's hand as tight as possible, you heard him wince. 

"Y/n, I know it hurts but you're kind of breaking my hand." He said but you didn't hear him. 

"I almost got it, y/n! Bucky keep her awake!" Clint ordered. 

"She's awake, don't worry!" Bucky slightly groaned as your grasp on his hand got strong once more before you let it go. 

"It's out! Everything's fine, y/n. I got it! Natasha! Hospital.Now!" Clint yelled over a Natasha who, not so smoothly, turned the helicopter in direction of the hospital. 

"Everything's going to be fine, y/n! I promise!" Bucky's promise was the last thing you heard before passing out. 


You were in surgery to stop the internal bleeding and stitch you up and everything. 
The entire team had come together in the waiting room, even Fury and they were all on edge. 

Bucky more than anyone though.

If he wouldn't have hesitated and jumped when she told him to, none of this would've happened. 
Everyone jumped out of their seats when the doctor finally came out after almost three hours, pulling the gloves off and throwing them in the trash. 

"Is something wrong? She didn't die, did she?" Clint asked. 

"Will she be alright? When can she come home again?" Natasha saw things a little more positive than Clint. 

"Do you want the good news or the bad news first?" The doctor asked. 

"Good." Fury answered bluntly. 

"We stopped the internal bleeding. She got lucky, the bullet barely missed her spine and she might get away with a spinal cord concussion. She will also be able to fully walk again, since the bullet hit her lower back." He explained. 

"And the bad news?" Steve sounded worried. 

"She has to stay here for at least two months to ensure a full recovery."

Everyone sighed in relief. 
Nothing too bad happened to you and you could come back home soon. 

"Can we see her?" Tony asked, barely containing his excitement. 

"Yes, she's awake." 

Without another word the team rushed into your room and surrounded your bed. 
The nurse was currently pulling an IV out of your arm and made her way out, trying not to stare at your teammates as she left.

"You have no idea how happy we are that you're okay." Steve said, looking at the floor. 

"How is our roof-jumper feeling?" Tony asked with a grin. 

"Like she got shot in the back and almost fell a 1000 feet from a building." You softly chuckled and winced. 

"Well, we're glad nothing major happened." Fury said, as emotionless as ever. 

"I'll leave you to it, guys." He left with a nod in your direction. 

They all inched closer to you and you felt all eyes on you. 

"You have no idea how happy we are that you're okay!" Steve smiled and looked at the floor. 

"Yeah. Being forced in a hospital bed for two months is better than being paraplegic or dead!" You joked. 

"We're glad to have you back in two months." Bucky said with a small smile. 

"You're going to visit me, aren't you? You can't leave me alone here for two months!" You cringed at the thought of not seeing either of them for such a long time. 

"I'll come by every day, I promise!" Bucky said. 

"Oh god, get a room you two!" Natasha groaned and laughed. 

"You're in it." Bucky replied with a smirk. 

They all groaned and left the room, leaving you and Bucky alone. 

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