Remember me? - Request

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"[Y/n], you don't honestly expect me to take you with me on that mission? Schmidt isn't one of those actors I get to fake-punch on stage!" Steve exclaimed

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"[Y/n], you don't honestly expect me to take you with me on that mission? Schmidt isn't one of those actors I get to fake-punch on stage!" Steve exclaimed. "He's a madman!"

"You don't honestly expect me to sit around at home, without James night I add, and do nothing?" You countered.

"He would never put you in harm's way and what we're about to do is a suicide mission. I can't let you join me." Steve's voice held a pleading tone.

You were like a sister to him and quickly became a part of their dynamic duo after you started dating Bucky.
He was your everything and vice versa, you were his first thought in the morning and the last when he fell into bed in the evening.
When Steve told you that Bucky was gone, you didn't believe him.
How could someone as strong and persistent as James Buchanan Barnes just be gone?
In the first few days after Bucky's death you were an emotional mess, everything that had even remotely to do with James made you cry but something inside you told you, that he wouldn't want you to mope around but move on and enjoy life.
Your sadness and grief turned into anger and you vowed to yourself that you'd die trying to avenge him.
You convinced Steve and Colonel Phillips to let you join the Howling commandos and eventually the guys were more than grateful to have someone like you have their back.


Your grip was strong on the handle of the gun while you watched in confusion how the stone started to expand in Schmidt's hand and devoured him whole in what, you imagined outer space to look like.
Schmidt's agonized screams we're drowned out by the wind that fished through the cockpit and once Schmidt was gone, you sat down in  the pilot's chair and radioed Peggy.

"Peggy! We've got seven missiles on board and we can't land. What should we do?" You asked, frustration building up inside you.

"I'll get Howard on the line, he'll know what to do." She answered.

"Put her in the water." Steve spoke up behind you.

"Are you crazy?" You turned to him.

"Right now we're in the middle of nowhere, if we wait any longer a lot of people are going to die." He grabbed the radio and turned away from you.

The view out of the cockpit window was breathtaking.
Sailing through the white clouds with the sun coming up to the right, the scene took your breath away when you remember that this flight will most likely be your last one.
You thought of the countless innocent people who would lose their life if this plane ever hit New York so you took the initiative and steered the plane down, nothing but ice in your field of vision.
In the background you heard Steve speak with Peggy and you could only imagine how hard it was for her to listen to Steve crash a plane with him on it.

"I'm going to need a rain check on that dance." He smiled weakly. "You know I still don't know how to dance?"

As the ice came closer, you thought of Bucky.
Would he be proud of you, for standing at his best friend's side?
He would surely be mad that you managed to talk Steve into letting you do this and would probably give you the cold shoulder for a day as punishment for your recklessness.

"Steve?" Upon your call he sat down next to you and held your hand while Peggy was still on the other line.

You wanted your brother from another mother by your side when the impact would kill you and he gave your hand a small squeeze when you smiled at him with tears in your eyes.

"I'd hate to step on your fee-"


"Lieutenant?" The Agent called after scrubbing away the ice, not believing what he just found.

"What is it?" The man turned around and his widened upon recognizing what was buried in the ice here. "My god. Base! Get me a line to the colonel."

"It's 3 am sir?"

"I don't care what time it is. These two waited long enough."


Life as an Avenger was...interesting.
You get to meet so many different people.
Loki for example. He may seem tough on the outside but once you stopped him from trying to invade your home planet, he's nothing more than a drama queen with an attitude.
As an enemy of course, he was a tough nut but at the end of the day, you worked with the rest of the team to protect the planet from him.
Life as a Shield Agent was...exhausting.
Especially in the most recent days where Hydra had apparently undermined Shield and now you, Steve, Sam and Natasha were on the run from their one man army, also known as the Winter Soldier.

At this very moment, you were laying on the pavement, desperately trying to let air flow into your lungs while his metal hand was crushing your trachea.
Sam was probably still dealing with the squadron of hydra agents that had attacked you on the bridge, Natasha was not far from you, trying not to bleed to death and Steve, to your luck, just came and tackled to soldier off of you.
You crawled over to her and made sure that she was not on the brink of death and when she assured you that she was fine with a pained expression, you got up to help Steve take the Soldier down.
Just in the moment you turned around, Steve managed to flip the Soldier over his shoulder, his mask dropping in the process and he scrambled to his feet before he turned around to us.

There was nothing that could prepare you for the for the face underneath the mask.
You recognized him right away, his blue eyes, even though they lacked emotion, bored into you and he tilted his head to the side, like he used to do when he was confused about something.
The Soldier stood there, in the middle of the street and although he knew his orders, his mind had drawn blank upon seeing the woman fighting at the Captain's side.
A name coursed through his mind, along with other things, scenes out of a life he could only wish for.
He saw a man, sitting at a table, her across from him with a broad smile and what seemed to be whipped cream on her nose.
He saw her, standing underneath a lamppost and the light shining down on her like a spotlight while he had his arms wrapped around her and his lips locked with hers.
He saw her, dancing through a living room with a man in a uniform, the man sharing so many resemblances with himself that he was almost convinced it was him.
A beautiful smile curled her red lips and he twirled her around in her red dress before pulling her back into his chest.

"I love you, James Buchanan Barnes." She looked up at him with so much love in her eyes, it drove tears into his.

"I love you more, [y/n] [y/l/n]." He countered before wrapping his arms around her and nestling his face into her neck.

You saw the confusion in his eyes and he took a small and cautious step towards you and Steve but stopped when you spoke.



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