My Mind Rebels At Stagnation

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A/N: rewatched Sherlock Holmes yesterday and the music during Lord Blackwood's hanging inspired me for this little angsty part.
Set in 1891

The torch in her hand was the only source of light as she descended the stairs down to the prison cells.
It was all a huge misunderstanding.
James had been arrested for the murder of her "fiancé" but he hadn't been anywhere near the crime scene when it happened, due to spending a blissful night with her.
They found a knife with his initials which he had lost a week prior to the incident.
To her it was clear that he was being framed by someone, all she had to find out was who.
An uneasy feeling spread within her as she walked past other cells, housing men who had done far worse than kill a man as she walked to her lover's new home.

"James?" He perked up upon hearing her voice and scrambled to his feet when he saw her standing in front of his cell.

"[Y/n]? What are you doing here? And alone?" He asked and reached for her hand through the bars.

"I asked for a moment alone with you." She admitted. "James, we have to do something! You're innocent, they can't try you for a crime you didn't commit."

"They can," he sighed. "They have all the evidence to prove me guilty of Rumlow's murder and they will hang me tomorrow."

"Hang you? But I thought you would get a lifelong sentence in here?"

Her frustration grew with every moment he was behind bars and not with her.
Deep down she knew that there was nothing she could do to liberate him but she learned from him to never stop fighting for the things and people you love.

"What if I stand witness and tell the judge that you were with me?" She asked after a long break of silence.

"[Y/n], no. They will hang you too for conspiring with a killer like me!" He countered sternly.

"But you're not a killer!" She cried.

Finally the dam broke and her tears flowed freely down her cheeks.
He pulled her closer to the bars of his cell, the shackles on his wrists stopping him from wrapping his arms around her but still the distance between them was minimal.
She looked up at him, eyes glistening with tears and he could feel them start to dwell in his eyes as well but he knew, he had to stay strong.
For her.

"[Y/n]. There's nothing we can do. I know our time together was short but I relished in every second of it. I loved you with every fiber of my being and I will continue to do so when my heart stops beating but right now I need you stay strong. For me."

"How?" She whispered into his lips. "How can I keep going, keep living when you're not there by my side? How am I going to raise our child without you? James, I cannot lose you and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to keep you here with me."

He pressed his lips to hers in a feverish kiss, that held urgency and desperation in it.
He could feel her hot tears tainting her soft skin and moved his hands so he could cup her cheeks once he broke away from her.

"Even if that means hanging next to you."

"Don't be foolish, [Y/n]! You are with child, your father would never let you that happen." James countered.

In the distance, he heard the guard's footsteps come closer and he knew their time was running out.
Once again he pulled her in for one last kiss, one last embrace before he had to watch her from his podium of death from which he would dangle tomorrow.
He pulled away, resting his forehead against hers while looking deeply into her eyes.

"I love you, "[Y/f/n]. Heart, body and soul. I will always love you." He whispered.

"Time's up." The guard barked.

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