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Possessed!Reader Oneshot

"Hey, Nat." Bucky said as he entered her room.

The two were close friends and Bucky actually spent lots of his time with her in her room, talking about literally everything.
This time he came to talk about the newest addition to the team.

"Bucky! What's up?" Natasha smiled and closed the door behind him.

You joined the team after they arrested you for doing so called 'mercy killings'.
A group of patients escaped that mental asylum for criminals outside of New York and they went from house to house, killing people and unfortunately they stopped at your house too.
They only left you alive to tell their story to other people and as soon as they left your house, you vowed you were going to find them and get your revenge on them.
You did as promised but somehow the Avengers got wind of what you were doing and received the mission to neutralize you.
Once you told them why you killed 10 people in two weeks, they offered to take you in for training and protect you.

"Have you noticed anything...weird about       (y/n)?" Bucky asked hesitantly, unsure of how to put his concern into words.

"Depends on what type of weird you mean. You mean that she hasn't eaten anything in the last three days or how she keeps sitting in some dark corner and talks to herself?" Natasha said bluntly and Bucky sighed before sitting down on the edge of her bed.

You and Bucky were close, very close.
Bucky was still looking for a way to tell you that he likes you without scaring you away but whenever he started talking to you, he'd get nervous and flee from the conversation.

"I'm worried, Nat. Why is she like this? She usually ask me if I'm going to finish what's on my plate and now..."

"Maybe she's just going through a rough patch. That thing with her family was just a year ago and maybe she's having a hard time to get over it at the moment." Nat explained.

"I'm going to check on her, maybe she'll get some coffee with me."

"So you're asking her on a date?" Natasha asked excitedly but Bucky shot her down with a glare that said enough.

Bucky walked down the hallway to your room and took a deep breath before he knocked.
He noticed that your door was already open so he slowly opened it to see if you were alright.
Inside, it was pitch black for you had the blinds rolled down and a blanket locked in your window to keep out the sunlight.

"(Y/n)? You in here?" Bucky asked softly but received silence as an answer.

He turned on the light, revealing the chaos your room was in.
Usually you'd keep everything in order, hating it if something was on your floor but it looked like a bomb went off in there.
Clothes littered the floor, drawers were ripped out of their place and the content was dumped on the floor.
The small picture you had of you and Bucky laid shattered on the floor and Bucky picked it up.

"(Y/n)? Where are you?"

Worry started to spread within the soldier that you got hurt or worse and almost frantically started to remove the blinds and look for any signs that you got taken, hurt or killed when he noticed light shining through the crack under the bathroom door.
A relieved sigh escaped from him and he knocked at the door but you didn't open up.

"(Y/n) are you okay in there? I was wondering if you wanted to grab a cup of coffee with me?"

"Go away!" You screamed.

"(Y/n), could you please open the door? We're all worried about you." He pressed his ear against the door, hoping he could hear what you did in there.

"I said go away, James!" He backed away when your fist slammed against the wood of the door.

"(Y/n) open the door or I'll break it down!" Bucky said but suddenly it was quiet on the other side.

If only he knew you were fighting an internal battle with this thing inside your head.
Ever since last week, when you went to the store to get some snacks and someone pulled you into an alley and sprayed you with some sort of black smoke, you heard that voice in your head, telling you to hurt and kill everyone around you.
The last time you slept was days ago and this thing didn't let you eat, only wanting you to finally get rid of your so called 'friends'.
Sometimes, it stopped talking and that's when you acted normally but whenever it was awake you were distancing yourself from the team to stop yourself from hurting them.

"Bucky, I'm begging you. Go away before it hurts you." You whimpered.

Bucky heard that you were crying by the pleading tone of your voice and rattled the doorknob, trying to get in your bathroom.

"(Y/n) let me help you. Whatever it is, I'll help you through it. All you have to do is let me in." Bucky bargained but the door remained closed.

"He can't help you. No one can, I own you now." The voice was back.

"No you don't! Leave me alone!" You screamed at it, holding your ears shut and collapsing to the ground.

"(Y/n) let me in!" Bucky's metal hand hammered against the door when he heard your agonized groans from inside the bathroom.

He continuously hit the door with his shoulder until it finally caved in.
Bucky rushed in to see you passed out on the floor and immediately cradled you into his lap.
He looked around the bathroom and say that you shattered the mirror and had cut your hands and arms with the shards.
Carefully, he put a strand of your hair behind your ear and could feel tears dwelling in his eyes.
Suddenly your eyes shut open, revealing completely black orbs which used to be (y/e/c).
Your hand wrapped around his throat and you pushed him down to the bathroom floor, slowly squeezing the life out of him.

"You think you can just take her from me?" The thing hissed. "She's mine now and I'm not leaving until I had my fun."

You leaned down a bit, brushing your lips past his while Bucky struggled to get out of your death grip on his windpipe.
Not even his metal hand could overpower you and you only let go of him when someone hit you with baseball bat and you fell unconscious to the floor once again.
Natasha stood in the doorway and looked at Bucky with a concerned expression.

"That's a new type of weird." She huffed.

Bucky Barnes Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now