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"Just admit it already!" Natasha groaned.

You rolled your eyes and shook your head, scrolling through your phone.

"There's nothing to admit, Natasha. I don't like him." You stated.

"And denial is just a river in Egypt. Come on, worst thing to happen is that he rejects you!" Nat retorted.

You sighed and stood up from the couch.
Just as you reached the door, Bucky opened it from the other side, causing you to trip.
Luckily, Bucky was quick enough to catch you and pulled you up into him.
To stop yourself from face-planting into his chest, you put your hands up.
Bucky was smiling while you tried to hide your flushed cheeks under your hair and just as luck had it Steve walked it from the other side of the room.

"My y/n! It seems like you have fallen for me?" He joked with a sheepish smile.

He chuckled before he let you go and continued his way into the kitchen.
You quickly left the living room and missed Nat bursting out into laughter.


"We have to do something about this y/n-Bucky situation." Tony began the unofficial team meeting he and Natasha called in.

"Y/n's got it bad for Bucky but she would never admit to it." Nat explained.

"Bucky doesn't talk about anything but her. It's starting to get annoying." Steve said, rolling his eyes.

"So how do we bring them together?" Clint chimes in from his spot on top of the file drawer.

A smirk grew on Natasha's face as an idea formed in her head while Tony looked just as smug.

"Tell me, Cap. Does Bucky get jealous easily?"


The party was in full swing and everyone was in a good mood, most likely due to the heavy intake of champagne.
You sat at the bar, deep in talk with Steve and Bucky when suddenly a hand snaked around your waist.
You turned around to Tony who was smirking like an idiot.

"Y/n! How's my favorite girl doing tonight?" Tony asked, placing a kiss on your cheek.

"Good! Obviously you're in a pretty good mood." You said and pushed him off softly.

You didn't see it but Bucky visually tensed up when Tony touched you.
Clenching his metal fist when Tony kissed your cheek, it took a lot in him not to sucker punch him right then and now.
Tony left after he flirted with you some more and Bucky felt relief once he was gone. 

"So y/n. Do you wa-" Bucky began but stopped once he saw you dancing with Sam. He didn't even notice Sam coming by and talk you into dancing with him.

Obviously he liked you and didn't like the fact that anyone else had your attention but Sam was probably the last guy he wanted to see you dance with.
Bucky didn't notice how he's been staring daggers at Sam until Steve shook him out of it.

"Buck. You're doing it again." Steve reminded him.

"What? What am I doing again?"

"You're staring at her like a love struck puppy. Why don't you just ask her to go on a date with you? You don't actually think she'll turn you down, do you?" Steve asked with an incredulous tone.

"Of course she would turn me down, you punk! This is reason enough to stay away from me!" Bucky sighed and pulled his shirt sleeve up, revealing his metal arm.

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