Friend - Request

358 11 2

TW: blood and violence

You had no life outside of Hydra.
Hell, you didn't even have a life outside of this facility.
You've been with these so called scientists as long as you could remember and you've known the asset just as long.
You had trained with him, learned all of his moves, how to handle an entire arsenal of weapons and how to become invisible to the average man's eye.
What you also learned was that his real name was Bucky and that he's been here long before you were even born and that he was in dire need of a friend.

After a completed assignment, you weren't free to roam the facility as you pleased.
For the assets like you and him it was straight back to the holding cell.
If either of you were to attempt an escape, chances were that you would succeed which is why you were both treated like dangerous animals and shoved cages.

On the upside, you had lots of time to get to know Bucky there, seeing that he was in your neighboring cell.
In the beginning he wasn't very talkative, only responding to you with little grunts and hums but the more you talked and pried, the more he opened up to you.
He struggled to remember details of his life but one particular night, where it's been a while since the last time he was wiped, he told you of a friend he used to have.
That was the first time you ever saw Bucky smile, when he recounted memories of himself and the scrawny looking kid named Steve.

Bucky didn't know what to do with you at first.
As Hydra's oldest prisoner, he was a little confused by how open and generally approachable you were.
He hadn't been in a friendly conversation with anyone for decades and the amount of questions you kept asking him completely threw him off his game.
It took him a while to understand that you had no intention to hurt him or to find some of his weaknesses to exploit but that you tried to be his friend.
When he realized that, your conversations became deeper, questions morphed from "what's your favorite color?" to "what would you if you ever got out of here?"

That of course made Bucky think.
What would he do if he got another shot at life?
He couldn't just assume a new identity and start a living, the arm alone prohibited him from doing that but he also had no concept of time anymore.
For all he knew it could still be 1945 but he witnessed some technological and cultural advancements when he was out on assignments that let him know that time moved forward while he was still stuck in the facility.

It was one day that you returned from a mission, the same time he did and while he was stripped of his weapons, you were wheeled in on a stretcher through the hangar after you had been extracted.
Bucky could see the blood pooling underneath you, staining the white sheet you were laying on and his eyes had been trained on the little trail of blood that led through the hangar.
Blood that had dropped from your hand which hung limply from the stretcher.
It was that day that the thought of what he would do if he ever were to escape became more than a thought.
It became a solid plan.

You had spent several days in the infirmary, leaving Bucky alone in his cell to hatch an escape plan.
Breaking out of the cell shouldn't be a problem, the barred doors were made of a simple metal and he could easily bend it to the side for him and you to fit through once you were put back in here.
Next he had to find a way out of the facility.
The holding cells were located on the lowest floor, above was the armory and over that the hangar.
Both of you had to acquire a weapon before you could fight your way out and escape through the main gates which were controlled by a simple button located in the hangar.

Thanks to some minor genetic altercations, you recovered fairly quickly from your mission gone wrong and you were sent back to your cell once you were good to go.
You had sent a small smile to Bucky when you were shoved inside the metal cage and you wanted to scream all sorts of profanities at the guard when he slammed it shut in your face.

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