"Hey there fellas!"

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Stomping through the snow, you prayed no one followed you here.
Just trying to find out the truth about your past has gotten you some enemies.
Former HYDRA agents or corrupt S.H.I.E.L.D agents trying to get to you, made your way to Siberia a lot harder.

The cold wind blew past your face as you sneaked in through the already open door.
It was eerily quiet when you stepped into the elevator and went down.
You wandered through long hallways and went down some more stairs.
Stopping to check for the way in deeper, you heard shuffling behind you.

Turning around and pulling out the knife your father gave you on your 16th birthday on the y/bd 1932, you saw nothing but the sound remained.
It sounded like steps and they appeared to come closer.
Turning the other way, you saw that you were alone.
Still you couldn't shake the feeling that you were being watched.

Closing your eyes to listen more closely, you finally heard a gun being reloaded.
You spun around, only to see two men on the stairs, one ducking behind a shield and the other one aiming at you.

"Hey there fellas!" You smiled, knowing you were screwed.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" The one behind the shield asked.

Just now you recognized the American flag on the shield.
Your mind suggested that the Captain America was standing in front of you.
Your eyes focused on the other guy and the red star on his metal arm.
Him you immediately recognized.
James Barnes. Also known as Bucky.

You slid the knife back into its holster on your thigh and sighed.
He noticed your focused look on his arm and fired a warning shot in your direction.

"He asked you something!" He said, cocking the gun.

"Bucky." The shield guy tried to calm him down.

"So it is you? The Winter Soldier? They took their sweet time sending you after me?" You scoffed.


The shield guy, that had to be Steve Rogers, seemed a little confused.
Bucky eyed you suspiciously and kept the gun up.

"October 3rd 1949. The day I first felt fresh air on my skin after being kept in a cell or on a lab table for 4 years. You were there, watching us train."

Steve put the shield on his back and stood up.
Bucky slowly following him.

"Who are you?"

"One of the other six winter soldiers that were supposed to take over the world for HYDRA. I escaped the facility before they turned me into some mindless monster like him!"

Steve struggled to hold Bucky back who would've ripped you to pieces if he weren't here now.
You sighed before taking the knife back into your hand and turning around.

"You know I remember. Sparring with you. We were supposed to fight you until we won or went down."

You turned back around, your hand holding the knife, shivering.
Your grip on the handle was so tight, your knuckles turned white.

"I tried my everything to get you off but you were showing no mercy whatsoever. I was on the ground and you continued beating me until I was barely breathing.
They had to pull you off of me!"

A small tear had formed in the corner of your eye.
Reliving those moments from over 60 years ago hit you harder than expected.
Without thinking you threw the knife.
It only missed his eye by one or two inches.

"Hope it was worth it, Bucky."

You turned around and started to walk down the hallway into a huge hall.
The ceiling was 40-50 feet up and there were 5 large columns, glowing in a fading yellow.
Walking closer you discovered that the people inside were the same ones you used to fight as a practice.

Suddenly a voice came from a PA somewhere.

"If that isn't Y/n Y/l/n? Finally returning home!"

The voice had a bit of a Russian accent and it seemed oddly familiar.

"What are you doing here?"
You yelled into nothing.

"Welcoming our two most successful subjects back to their home! You and Sergeant Barnes are the true definition of success. You destroyed multiple secret services from inside, just like you were supposed to."

The man rambled on about the glory HYDRA would've brought if there would've been 4 more of you and how HYDRA will soon stand on top again.
Pulling out your gun, you shot into each of the columns, hitting right between the eyes of your former squad mates.

"People like Barnes or me shouldn't even exist. Two of us are enough trouble for the world. There is no need for more."

You ignored the pain filled yells over the PA and walked past Steve and Bucky, who have caught up to you now.

"If you want all of you dead, you forgot two of them!"

"Silly me."
You stopped and turned around again, holding the gun to your own head.
Steve and Bucky stared at you, shock written all over their faces.

"Thanks for reminding me."
You smiled at Bucky before pulling the trigger and falling to the ground, limp.
Blood oozed out of the small hole on the side of your head and Bucky kneeled down next to you while Steve looked around for any threats.

"We should take her out of here. You find Zemo, I'll get her outside."
Bucky said, picking your lifeless body up.
He was still processing what just happened.
You just came in, accused him of ruining your life and killed yourself.
Carrying you up the stairs and out the building, he put you down next to the door.
On his way up he took your knife you threw at him and placed it in your hand.

He stood up and took a few seconds to look at the poor soul who had to endure years of torturing only to take her on life in the end.
Sighing and mumbling something in Romanian he went back inside to help his best friend.

Bucky Barnes Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now