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#21: "Bucky, no!" "Bucky, yes!"

"It's movie night, suckers!" Tony announced and flopped down on the couch. "And god beware us of what Barnes is going to pick."

"Very funny, Stark." Bucky sneered and launched some popcorn in the air, catching it in his mouth. "[Y/n]'s been giving me a little tutoring in movie history and I'm proud to say that I'm all caught up until the 90's."

"Then show is what you've learned." You laughed.

"It - Chapter 2 is out." He smirked suggestively but didn't see how your face lost all color and you gulped strongly.

If there's anything you were afraid of, it's clowns.
Dolls, zombies even spiders you could cope with but clowns were an absolute no-go.
It was a deeply rooted fear and if Bucky knew what it was about the abnormally large feet and the red afro and nose, he'd probably understand but you haven't told anyone about the accident.

"Bucky, no!"

"Bucky, yes!" He smiled. "C'mon, you don't mean to tell me that you're afraid of clowns, do you?"

"[Y/n]'s afraid of something? We're so watching that movie!" Clint chimed in who flipped on to the couch right next to Tony with a typical grin on his face.

"I just- I'm not afraid of them, they're just...dumb." You downplayed your fear in hope they would pick another movie but Bucky had made up his mind.

"Did you see the first one?" Natasha asked.

"Ha! Over my dead body am I watching two movies containing a child eating clown." You shook your head vividly and hugged your knees.

"They're really not that bad. And besides," Bucky smirked and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. "I'll be there the entire time."

A nervous chuckle escaped your lips and you immediately leaned into Bucky's side, wanting nothing more than to disappear in it and reappear in the safety and comfort of your own bed.
The thing with you and clowns was, that when you were younger, your siblings played a horrible prank on you which included clowns and resulted in you being bed ridden for months and almost losing your ability to walk.
The current scene had you biting your nails and you felt yourself shivering, so did Bucky.
You tried to keep it together but the jump scare had you bite back a scream before you climbed over the back of the couch and left the room.
In the hallway, you slid to the floor, failing to keep the tears at bay and you choked back a sob while you heard the movie play in the living room.
Covering your ears like a kid and closing your eyes, you didn't hear or see Bucky kneel down before you until you felt a hand on your knee that made you flinch.

"It's just me." Bucky whispered and you scrambled to wrap your arms around him.

Crying into his shirt, his hand ran up and down your back trying to soothe you but you were praying he couldn't feel the scars through the thin fabric.
He helped you up and guided you down the hall to his room where you both sat on his bed in silence for a good few moments.

"I'm sorry, [Y/n]." Bucky broke the silence.

"It's alright," you sniffled. "You couldn't have known that I'm coulrophobic."

"Afraid of clowns?" You nodded.

"When I was 9, my brother and sister both played a prank on me. I came home from school and went into my room and when I came out they stood in the hallway with these horrible clown masks on. They kept coming closer and I walked away from them but I didn't see that the window was open behind me and when I tripped over my own feet, I fell out the window."

You had a hard time reliving your accident and kept your eyes trained on your feet but managed to crack a small smile when Bucky reached for your hand and gave it a firm squeeze.
Up until now, you've never told anyone of your phobia since it was irrational and never came up in a conversation but you came to realize that talking about it gave you a sense of relief.

"I nearly broke my spine and was hospitalized for four months before I finally got to go home. I still get these awful flashbacks whenever I see of them." You spoke as if you were ashamed of it.

"[Y/n], I'm so sorry that I made you go through that tonight! Had I known, I would've never-"

"It's fine, really. They say you should conquer your fears, right?" You chuckled dryly but Bucky remained full of guilt. "You feel guilty?"

"Um, yes?" He said and you turned your back to him and lifted up your shirt, showing him the scars that were littering your entire back.

"How do you think my siblings feel?" He didn't understand how you could be making jokes about this and rolled your shirt back down before making you face him again.

"I honestly don't know what to say besides how sorry I am." He huffed and you laughed before wrapping your arms around him in a hug.

Talking to Bucky made you view your fear differently, knowing that he'd probably make sure you won't ever have to face a clown in your life ever again.
You were well aware that you'd receive some light teasing for running out but Bucky knew why and that's what counts.

"Thank you for listening, Bucky. I feel a lot better now." You mumbled, still engulfed in his arms.

"If there's anything else that's bothering you, you come to me right away, okay?" He reassured and smiled when he felt you nod.



"I'm sorry."

"Stop it!" You laughed.

A/N: Yes, I'm well aware that the movie comes out in September but the first one was awesome and I really can't wait to see Chapter 2. If you know any underrated horror movies please share :)
And I hope this isn't too bad
And can we talk about the trailer music????
I get goosebumps from the soundtrack every time I hear it

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