The last donut

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A/N: No Bucky, but a Sebastian Stan one. Basically the donut skit but with you and Stan. I really felt the need to do this.

You stood in the interview room with Liz while enjoying the donut you found in the box which was lying on the table. 
Sebastian's voice echoed through your head while you picked off the sprinkles and popped them in your mouth. 
You and Liz enjoyed the silence when suddenly the door opened and Sebastian came in, his smile fading when he saw what you held in your hand. 

He came closer and stopped, his scowl not leaving you. 

"Morning." The calmness in his voice made you feel uneasy. 

"Stan." You tried to sound as calm as possible but you struggled containing your laugh while Sebastian glared at you. 

"Y/l/n. Is that the last donut with red, white and blue sprinkles?" He demanded. 

You didn't answer but took another bite, watching him fight against the urge to burst out laughing and ruin this little skit. 
Liz stood behind and watched the scene unfold before her and continued eating her own donut. 

"What did I tell you would happen, if you ate the last donut with red, white and blue sprinkles?" He asked, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips but one look at your stern face allowed him to gain control of his emotions again. 

"A little foggy on it but I think it was something like "Raining down hellfire"?" You replied, continuously chewing, oblivious to the fact that Sebastian was furious. 

"That's right." His gaze didn't leave your face as you took another bite. 
Elizabeth was still watching and she kept it together surprisingly well. 

"And here I am without an umbrella." You shrugged, your mouth still stuffed with the delicious dough of the donut. 

A long and almost scary silence lingered between the two of you before Sebastian spoke up again. 

"I feel a storm brewing." His voice was just as calm as said upcoming storm and the almost deafening silence between you and Sebastian was broken by a high pitched scream, coming from Elizabeth. 

You and Seb stared at each other before all three of you burst out laughing. 
You doubled over and wheezed, struggling for air because you were laughing so hard. 
The others weren't feeling any different and even the guys behind the camera couldn't help but laugh. 
You got a little bit of self-control when Robert spoke up from the back of the room. 

"If we don't play that back, I'm cancelling the press tour!" He threatened, softly chuckling. 

The interview began when everyone finally calmed down and you finally got to tell someone how excited you were about being on the Civil War cast. 

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