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A/N: I'm sorry, I got carried away! 2.3k words...

If there's anything you really hate, it's going on undercover missions. 
If there's anyone you really hate, it's James Buchanan Barnes. 
Those two mixed together, made sure to kill your mood for the rest of the month. 

And guess what you were preparing for at the moment. 

Pulling the straps up, you groaned. 
The dress was uncomfortably tight and took your ability to walk and breathe properly. 
Your mission was to retrieve stolen SHIELD information and it was supposed to be sold at some sort of gala tonight. 
Natasha helped you putting your hair up in a rather messy bun and put on a green and golden double necklace. 
Looking at yourself in the mirror you sighed. 

You looked amazing and you were sure you were going to turn some heads tonight but the fear of blowing your cover and screwing up gnawed at you. 

"Let's go over this again. Ava King, married to Jonathan King for 7 years, disgustingly rich weapon producer, have you listened to any word I said, y/n?" Nat shook you out of your thinking process. 

"Yeah, yeah I got it down. Gold digging trophy wife, loving him for his money and power, blah blah blah, I really don't understand why Bucky and I have to do this!" You whined. 

"The less you whine and do your job, the faster you're done with it!" Nat explained. 

You sighed, smoothing the black velvet dress out again and took one last look at yourself. 

"You're right, let's do this!" You fake-smiled and stepped out of your room and into the elevator. 

Arriving on the bottom floor, Steve was fixing Bucky's tie who was impatiently looking on the watch Tony lend him. 
He rolled his eyes as soon as he saw you. 

"Your highness has graced us with her early presence. We shall consider ourselves blessed!" He said. 

Without so much of a glance in his direction, you told him to shut up and brushed past him and outside where a limousine was waiting for you. 

"Try not to kill each other!" Steve said and pushed his friend out the doors. 

He got in and sat across from you, while you stared out of the window with your arms crossed. 
You heard him sigh and clear his throat. 
Choosing to ignore him, he tried again but to no avail. 

"I'm not going to stuff this in your ear so will you just take the damn thing!" He said, his voice low as if he was trying to hold himself back from beating you to a pulp. 

Glancing at him, your eyes landed on the communication devices in his hand and you took it, placing it in your ear. 

"Y/n, do you copy?" Steve's voice asked. 

"Copy." You replied bluntly. 

"Okay, there will be a lot of Hydra agents there so you two really need to get along and not blow your cover!" He said sternly. 


You arrived at the venue and a valet opened your door, helping you out. 
Bucky followed suit and held his arm out for you. 

"Ready, Mrs. King?" Bucky asked jokingly. 

"Ready if you are, Mr. King." You challenged him, taking his arm. 

Walking up the stairs, the man with the guest list checked you in and you and Bucky mixed under the crowd. 

"Y/n the man on your 9 'o' clock is the target. Nikolai Karkarov. He's been buying and selling information from Hydra and leaked lists of names of secret agents. He took down the entire French secret service." Steve explained. 

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