First words

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You were walking through the towers' living room, notebook, pen and phone in your hand as you made your way to Clint's room.
He was the one who introduced you to the Avengers after he found you, strapped down and ready to have your memory wiped, in a Hydra lab.
He was on a mission with Natasha and after going back and forth between leaving you here since you could be dangerous and taking you to the tower because you need help, Clint broke you out and took you back to the jet, ignoring Nat all the way there.

You didn't talk which seemed reasonable to them, considering all the sorts of torture you must've went through but the real reason was a different one.
You weren't scared to talk, you couldn't talk.
The ability to form words has been taken from you to make sure you weren't going to disobey any orders.
The removal of your vocal chords was a 8-hour procedure during which you woke up multiple times, thrashing around and trying to fight back but it was all for nothing.

You knew how to read lips but since you didn't know sign language and you were a little shy to ask someone to teach you, you were bound to the "passing notes" type of communicating.
It took you a while to gain everyone's trust but in the end you grew to be an appreciated addition to the team.
Your ability to be more than just quiet and your combat skills were of high value on missions.

You knocked on Clint's door before you stormed in and jumped down on his bed.
He seemed confused to your sudden energy since you spent most of your time, reading or listening to music.

"What got you all giddy?" He asked with a smile.

"I want you to teach me sign language. This is childish and impractical." You scribbled down and shoved the notepad into his face.

"Why didn't you ask sooner? You could be reciting Shakespeare stuff by now if you would've asked me earlier." He stated and you folded your legs and looked at him with an excited expression.

Before you came here, you made sure if your teammates knew sign language and apart from Tony and Bruce, everyone did.
It was fun to leave your notes lying everywhere to talk to others because it reminded you of your time before Hydra when you went to school but carrying a notepad and a pen around at all times was unnerving.

"Has anyone seen y/n?" Bucky asked his friends who were all assembled on the couch.

"Someone's missing his little crush?" Tony teased only to look away when his eyes met Bucky's glare.

"She asked us all if we knew sign language, so I guess she's with Clint." Natasha finally answered.

Bucky nodded and turned into the hallway only to bump right into you.
You were looking cheerful and Bucky noticed how you didn't have your little black book and the pen with you.

"Hey, how are you?" You signed with a smile which Bucky was quick to return.

Your smile was one of the countless things he loved about you.
Despite having been through such horrible things, you still managed to form a bright smile to anything and even without speaking words, you could put a smile on everyone's face.
In the beginning, he felt bad for you that you had to go through the similar Hydra torture business like him and you two started bonding over your shared pain.

"I'm good! Seems like Barton is a good teacher." Bucky said and he accompanied you to the kitchen, not before throwing another murderous gaze in the teams' direction who all, even Steve, were wearing broad smirks on their faces.

"I'm a fast learner." You smirked.

In the kitchen, Bucky helped you with making a snack for the two of you before you joined the rest of the team in the living room.
The rest of the day played out nicely with everyone congratulating you on your newly acquired signing skills.
It was moments like this one where you were most grateful for Clint that he took you with them that day.

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