Sister's keeper

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"Y/n! How many times do I have to ask you to help me pick a suit?" Your brother, Sam, yelled from his room.

"Until I give a shit." You yelled back, sitting on the couch with Bucky.

You heard his footsteps echo through the hallway until they stopped behind you.
Bucky was quick to remove his arm from around you and bring some distance between the two of you as soon as he heard Sam come in.
You and Bucky have been dating for three months now and so far almost no one knew.
Almost no one, meaning everyone but Sam.
He was your older brother and he and Bucky weren't the best of friends so you decided on keeping it from him.

"Y/n Wilson." He said calmly.

"Sam Wilson?" You turned to him with a smile.

"I'm the older sibling, you follow my rules or I'll just call mom and tell her you risk your life on the daily." Sam knew that your mother was the only weakness you had so he continuously blackmailed you with telling her.

"Fine, I'm coming! Only because I don't want your date to run away as soon as she sees you." You earned a confused look from Bucky to which you shrugged and leaped over the couch.

In his room, he had two suits, one black and one in a maroon color, splayed out on his bed.
You though for a second before pointing at the dark red one.

"That one." You said before walking back out.

You didn't have to turn around to know that Sam was rolling his eyes.
Returning to the couch you plopped down next to Bucky, taking his metal hand in yours and placing your head on his shoulder.

"Twenty minutes and we have the entire tower for us." You whispered and a smirk grew on Bucky's face.

"You know better than to tell me stuff like that, doll." He muttered, squeezing your hand.

"Do I?" It was your turn to smirk and you rolled away from him when you heard Sam's steps in the hall.

Sam came in, wearing the black suit and held his phone in his hand.

"What the hell are you wearing?" You exclaimed, disappointed.

"Do you seriously expect me to trust you when it comes to picking a suit for a date?" He asked mockingly, his eyebrows knitted together.

"Ты Выглядишь ужасно." ("You look awful.")
You yelled after him when he turned to leave.

Bucky had taught you some Russian and often used it to compliment you.
More importantly, he taught you some swear words and you, Natasha and he had fun making fun of the others without anyone understanding you.
Sam was confused as to how you knew Russian.

"Where did you learn to speak Russian?" He asked.

"Nat taught me. We have two Russians and two Sokovians here. It's useful." You answered quickly while slapping away Bucky's hand from your thigh.

"Mhm." He hummed wearily while casting a suspecting look on Bucky before he turned to the elevator. "Don't wait up, might get late."

"Wasn't planning on it." You called after him and let out a relieved sigh when you heard the elevator doors close.

When you and Bucky started dating, you found out that he had no patience whatsoever and couldn't wait for anything.
Ordering pizza was a nightmare with him.
That trait shone through right now, for as soon as the doors closed, Bucky immediately pulled you into his lap and kissed you.
You smiled into the kiss, amused that Bucky couldn't keep his hands off you.
You moved your legs to either side of him so you were straddling him and locked your hands behind his neck.

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