What is happening to me?

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You shot up with a gasp, struggling to let air flow into your lungs.
Once you calmed down, you looked around the room to see that you were in the compounds medical wing.
Removing the blanket, you looked down on your bare legs only to see the veins popping out with a purple tint.
You looked around the room, searching for something to cover up any signs that Hydra ever kidnapped you and experimented on you for months.

Six months ago you and the team were gone on a mission in Poland.
If it wasn't for you, Steve wouldn't be alive at the moment for you took a bullet for him and it lodged in your lungs.
He and Natasha had to force Bucky back to the jet because another wave of agents was coming their way and this time they had been to many for them.
So they left you, apparently dead but you woke up, you didn't know when and thought you went to hell when you first noticed your surroundings.
Chains, hanging from the wall, no windows and thus no fresh air, you were cuffed to an operating table and all sorts of torture devices were laying around.

You weren't mad at the team for leaving you behind.
Hell, you yourself thought you were dead but it turned out that you could only wish to be so.
They pumped all sorts of chemicals into you, some feeling like liquid fire, others like ice picks being stabbed into your arm but to sum it up, those were the most painful 6 months of your life.
The Avengers didn't know until five months after your presumed death, when an inside man of Shield told the team, that you were still alive.

While you were there, you were never trained.
Out of your cell, on the table and back into your cell.
That's how all of your days went.
On the good ones you got food and clean water but on the not so good ones, it was a wonder if you found something edible.
In the beginning, you were still fighting, almost escaping several times but after your seventh attempt, you gave up.
There was no escape, no way out except one.

Although you took the bullet for Steve, it was Bucky who one day busted through the door and took out everyone in the operation room before getting you off the table.
You were nothing like what you were before.
Your ribs were standing out, your skin had grown pale and the light in your eyes has turned dull.
Bucky carried you all the way back to the jet, where you immediately fell back asleep in his arms and he didn't put you down until you were back home.

As of right now, you were alone and still looking for something to wear.
Once you found a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie, the glass door slid open and Tony walked in.
As soon as he saw you, he picked you up and carried you back to the bed in which you woke up.

"Are you nuts?" He asked frustratedly.

The dark bags under his eyes told you that he probably spent weeks awake, mourning you and later on finding a way to get you back.

"I-I just wanted to put something on." You replied quietly, thinking he was mad that you were walking around after being gone for six months but Tony seemed relieved that you were even awake since he cut you off by pulling you in a tight hug.

"We thought you were gone. We all thought we had lost you." He whispered but you could hear that he was crying.

"How long have I been out?" You questioned after breaking away and wiping away his tears with your thumbs.

"A week." Tony said. "FRIDAY, get me Rogers and Barnes."

Only moments later, the two super soldiers stormed in and both hugged you.
You felt Bucky kiss the top of your head after he checked you again for any major visible injuries.
Both of them looked relieved, almost happy but you knew that they thought you were dead for a whole five months and the image of your bleeding corpse probably still lingered in most of their minds.

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