"I will find you."

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You sat next to Fury in the passenger seat, busy with fishing a bullet out of your shoulder after you've been ambushed by a group of police officers.
Unsure of who they were working for, you were now cutting through Washington traffic when you suddenly noticed a man in the distance, standing in the center of the busy street.


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"Nick...who is that?" You stuttered and it took Fury a moment to recognize the person.

"Not our friend." He growled and floored the gas.

You pressed your back into the seat, not to keen on hearing how the man's spine broke under the tires while Fury ran over him but to your dismay he made no move to get out of the way.
The uniform he wore, was nothing unfamiliar to you and you knew who was standing in the street.
They had activated the asset as soon as they heard that you joined S.H.I.E.L.D and since you held valuable information, you were a threat that needed to be neutralized.
For all you knew, he was holding a grenade launcher and as he aimed for the car, you already knew that this was going to hurt.
A beeping sound came from underneath the car and only seconds later, the engine exploded, sending the car on its roof while it skidded over the tarmac.

You were completely disoriented, pain was ebbing in waves through your body as you were hanging upside down in the Jeep

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You were completely disoriented, pain was ebbing in waves through your body as you were hanging upside down in the Jeep.
Failing to undo the seatbelt, you shook the knife out of your sleeve and cut through the leather, your back painfully dropping in the sea of glass shards.
Fury was also working on getting loose when you heard the heavy footsteps heading your way.
You worked with the Winter Soldier before, you trained with him and made sure that he was well prepared for missions.
He liked you, when he remembered your name.
You were nice to him, you weren't pushing him around or giving him orders, you treated him like a normal human being and not a killing machine.

"I'm sorry, Nick. I have to go, he's after me." You kicked in your window and crawled out of the remains of the car before breaking into a sprint down the sidewalk.

Fury paid no mind to you, he was busy removing the sewer cover and getting in before the assailant could get to the car.
Ripping the car door of its hinges, the soldier learned that both of his targets managed to escape and he wasn't looking forward to the punishment he'd receive for failing his mission.
He remembered [Y/n], she was with his employers not too long ago and he remembered her being the only nice one there.
Maybe it was good that she got away, that way they couldn't do the same things to her that they did to him.
But if he had any self preservation in him left, he had to find her, to spare himself another procedure.

"I will find you, [Y/n]...I always do."

Bucky Barnes Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now