Catch me if you can

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Glancing at the paper, you punched in the 16-digit code for the vault, making sure you didn't get a number wrong. 
Punching in the last number made the light blink green and the vault door opened. 

A little squeal of success escaped your lips and you crouched down, opening the lower safes and collected the stacks of money, throwing them into your backpack. 
You needed to move fast because you could already hear the police sirens wailing in the distance. 

What actually worried you, was that that Captain America guy would bust in here and take you in. 
You saw pictures of him in newspapers or heard of him over the radio and he didn't seem like someone who would go easy on people who rob banks for a living. 

Opening another safe, you heard sets of footsteps come closer and the distant sirens were now directly in front of the bank. 
You zipped up your bag and stood up, pulling the gloves which stopped you from leaving behind fingerprints. 
That's when a voice from behind you startled you. 

"Miss, I need you to drop the bag and come with us."

You turned around to see said Captain guy but it was the other one that confused you. 
Yes, you've heard of those Avengers but he was definitely not one of them, that much you knew. 

"Sorry! No can do, Captain." Your hand traveled to the back of your belt where you kept your gun and a smoke grenade. 

"We're not here to fight you. You can still get away with only a few years." His attempt at bargaining with you made you chuckle but you kept your focus on the other guy. 

His expression was blank and he looked much more intimidating than the patriot in tights. 

"The illegal possession of a weapon would get me a few more years, wouldn't it?" You asked and pulled the stick. 

"Don't make things worse for yourself and just come with us." He said and took the shield of his back. 

"You don't like a good chase?" He looked at you with a confusion in his eyes when you threw the thing on the floor and everything was engulfed in black smoke. 

Since both of them were broad enough to block the entrance of the vault, you dropped down and slid through in between of them and bolted down the hallway. 
You heard coughing and heavy footsteps behind you, coming closer. 
You whipped your head around and saw the mysterious fella right behind you. 

"You're making things a lot harder than they have to be!" He said, his deep voice surprising you. 

"Sorry, I don't do easy!" You smirked and turned around the corner and jumped over a flight of stairs. 

Landing, you sat on the railing and slid down another flight as you heard the wooden stairs creak under his weight. 
You stopped in your tracks when he suddenly landed in front of you, blocking your path. 

He stood at the bottom of the stairs, knowing he was blocking the entrance to the garage where your getaway driver was waiting for you. 
You stood up top, thinking of a way to get past him, when it hit you. 

"Now, if you don't stop and come with me willingly, I'll be forced to take you down and restrain you." He wore a sly smile and took one step up. 

"Sounds good to me!" You replied with a smirk and waited for him to reach the fourth step. 

"See, I would hate to mess up that pretty face of yours but you're not giving me much of a choice here." He was now on the second step, his hands up in a defensive manner. 

"So considerate! Please tell me you're single?" He reached the third step and you took a few back, preparing. 

"That's for you to find out!" Fourth step. 

Smirking once again, you jumped over the steps and knocked him down and stopped with your foot on top of his chest. 

"Sorry handsome! I prefer doing my research at home rather than in a prison cell." You said and ran outside into the garage. 

"Stop apologising if you don't mean it!" He yelled after you but you had already jumped on the passenger seat and ordered your partner to hit the gas. 


"Bucky, you alright?" Steve held out a hand to help me off the ground. 

"She just knocked the wind out of me, I'm fine!" I rubbed the spot where she had kicked me. 

She was a lot stronger than she seemed.
A shame that she's a criminal because if I had ran into her somewhere else I would've definitely gotten her number somehow. 
I followed Steve in the parking garage to see skid marks on the ground. 

A little closer to the exit, I saw something on the ground. 
It was a stack of 500$ bills with a little sticky note on top. 


Catch me if you can, handsome!


I had to chuckle which made Steve come over. 
He took the stack from my hands and rolled his eyes. 

"Seriously, Buck?" He huffed out. 

"Can't help it. Chicks dig me!" Laughing out loud, I trotted behind Steve who left up the exit and out on to the street. 

"Are you seriously pissed at me Steve?" I asked, failing at containing my laughter. 

"It happens every time we have a female perp. She gets away and somewhat falls in love you!" He threw his hands up in frustration. 

"Is that jealousy I hear, Steve?" He turned around with a glare which made me lose all self control again. 

He talked to the police officer in charge while I stood a little off, still holding the stack of money. 

"I'll catch you, doll! Don't you worry."

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