Sleepless nights

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You woke up, breathing heavily and drenched in sweat.
This was the third time you woke up in the middle of the night because of the nightmare you had.
It was the same one over and over again.
It's always memories of you being captured and experimented on by HYDRA.

Every time you woke up, you'd go to the top of the tower and enjoy the cool night air before you went back to bed.
But tonight was different.
Before you could slip your shoes back on, someone softly knocked on your door.
Being your paranoid self, you grabbed the gun from under your pillow and aimed at the door.

"Y/n, it's me Bucky. Can I come in?"

You quickly shoved the gun in your nightstand and opened the door.
Bucky stood there, sweatpants and no shirt.
A sight that would get you to start drooling but you were too tired and exhausted from constantly waking up in the middle of the night.

"Sure, what are you doing up?"

You both sat down on your bed and Bucky was quick to break the silence.

"I couldn't sleep and I heard you scream and I wanted to check on you."

You and Bucky were pretty damn close ever since you met.
He is still trying to apologize for trying to kill you when you met, meaning he's the sweetest ever.
When he's around you.

"I'm a sleep talker, don't worry about it. I hope I didn't wake you?"

"Y/n this isn't the first time I heard you this week. What's going on, you know you can tell me!"

You hesitated.
You knew Bucky was still struggling to deal with his past and what HYDRA did to him and you didn't want to add up to that.
He nudged your shoulder with his, making you look at him.
He quickly cupped your face and stroked your cheeks with his thumbs, making you realize you had been crying.

"Y/n, talk to me! What happened?"

"It's nothing. I'm just having some nightmares, nothing big."

You took his hands from your face and smiled weakly.
Bucky didn't seem to buy it, because his blue eyes still bore into yours.

"I heard you scream, y/n. How is that nothing big? And why won't you tell me, I just want to help you!"

"It's the same one every time! Every time I close my eyes I find myself strapped on some table and people injecting me with stuff. It hurts! It hurts so much, I wake up!"

You unintentionally yelled at him and felt tears run down your face.
He pulled you into his lap and wrapped his arms around you, drawing little circles on your back.
You were sobbing now and wrapped your arms around his neck in desperate need of something to hold on to.

"Shh, y/n. Calm down, I'm here! I'm always here when you need me!"

"It's just- they don't even feel like memories or nightmares anymore!"

You let go of him and wiped your tearstained cheeks.

"It feels like someone taunting me by playing the same movie, over and over again until I break! I just want to forget what happened but I can't! I just want it to end!"

Your eyes wandered to your nightstand, the gun inside.
Bucky new about the secret weapons hidden in your room and as if he read your mind, he grabbed your face and turned you to face him.

"Don't even think about it! Y/n, you're so strong and beautiful, don't let something like this destroy you! Do you have any idea how broken I would be if you-"

He couldn't bring himself to say the words.
You gave it a thought.
Imagining Bucky, never leaving his room and breaking off all contact to the rest of the team because you took your own life.
You tensed up at the idea of him doing it to get over you.

"I'm sorry Buck! But I just want to forget it happened! Even if it's just for a moment."

You sighed, looking down in your lap.
Bucky's hands were still on your cheeks and you felt him staring at you.

"Let me help you. I could make you forget. Maybe just for a moment but maybe it helps?"


Your eyed widened when you felt his lips on yours.
It took you a second to realize what he meant until you closed your eyes, ignoring the tears and kissed him back.
His hands tight on your waist, you ran your hands through his messy hair.

"Tell me when I'm taking it too far!"

You parted, both breathing heavily, and there was little to no space between you.

"Help me, Bucky."

He closed the distance and kissed down your neck while you dragged your nails across his back.
The cold touch of his metal arm sent shivers up your spine and you bit back a moan, taking your hands back to his hair.
Still in his lap, Bucky picked you up and gently placed you on your back.
He hovered over you, taking in the sight.

"Y/n you're beautiful! Don't let anyone tell you differently! Ever!"

You nodded and pulled him back into a needy kiss, you actually have been waiting for to happen.
He was sweet but you had different things in mind.

Steve's POV

Waking up in the middle of the night has become a habit of mine. Sometimes I'd run into Y/n who also had trouble sleeping.
Similar to tonight.
I woke up and went outside to see if she was out already and stopped in front of her already open door.
Barton seemed to be an insomniac too, because he suddenly stood next to me, shaking his head.

"Clint? What are you doing up?"

"I wouldn't go in there buddy! Only if you want to join but I don't think you're that type of guy!"

"What do you-"

We were interrupted by y/n, moaning loudly.
It was the name she screamed that disturbed Clint and me.


We shared disturbed looks and both turned back to our rooms.
This was going to be an interesting conversation in the morning.

Your POV

You woke up the next day without the ability to walk or talk.
Little bruises on your hips and neck and your voice so hoarse, you gave up after trying to say good morning.
Bucky really "helped" you last night.
Who knew that all you had to do was get laid to get your mind off the nightmares.

You walked into the kitchen area, where Bucky, Steve and Clint silently ate their breakfast.
Clint had a mischievous grin on his face while Steve looked horrified.
Your guess, there was a spider in his room, keeping him up all night.

"Sleep well, y/n?" Clint asked while you made yourself coffee.

"Wrong position. Little stiff in the neck but other than that."
You rubbed your neck, hiding the proof Bucky left of his late night visit.
You heard Clint snort and turned around.
He was imitating your hand on your neck, trying very hard not to laugh.

"Barton, can I talk to you for a second?"

He followed you out and into a spare bedroom.

"Alright, what do you know?"

He imitated you moaning and you punched his arm. You knew you should've closed the door.

"Don't worry! So far, only Steve and I know."

"Steve? Oh God the poor boy!"

"It is weird if your two best friends are having sex in the room right next to yours but he'll live!"

Clint squeezed your shoulder and left.
Not before you heard him mumble something under his breath.

"Y/n and Barnes...Those are going to be some interesting children!"

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