Just one night

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Another one of Tony Stark's parties.
Another event where alcohol was given out.
Another opportunity for you to get wasted again.
You were the life of every party and Tony seemed to love that, considering he was sitting across from you with a broad smile.

"You're weak, Tony!" You slurred as you downed another shot.

"No one calls Ironman weak and gets away with it! Not even you, sweetie!" He muttered as he slowly emptied the fifth glass in front of him.

"Watch me!" You poured the ninth shot down the hatch and stood up. "You just lost a shot battle to y/n fucking y/l/n, Tony!"

You pushed through the little group of people who had watched and cheered on you as you maneuvered over to the pool table where Wanda and Natasha were playing against Sam and Pietro.
Before you reached the table, you grabbed another glass of champagne from one of the trays that were carried around.
You stopped right next to Clint and supported yourself on his shoulder as you watched Sam line up his next shot.
He sunk the ball in without a problem when an idea sprung to your head.

"Corner right." He called his shot and went to line up.

You strode around the table and sat down right above the corner Sam called out and waited for Sam to shoot.
Your butt right in his view, you turned around to see him checking you out from behind and pull back the queue.
The ball went in a completely different direction and you hopped off the table.
Wanda and Nat exchanged looks before one of them bent over to continue the game.
You shot a wink into Sam's direction before you left towards the bar again.

There, Steve sat with Sharon and they were talking until you wrapped your arms around him in a hug.
Sharon looked slightly confused but Steve seemed terrified as to who would just hug him like this.

"Stevie! How is my favorite Avenger doing tonight?" You slurred and let go of him. "Sharon. How's it going?"

"Pretty good." She chuckled.

"Y/n? How much did you drink?" Steve asked while holding you at arms distance.

"Just a few shots with Tony and here and there a glass of champagne, why?" You shrugged.

"You're clingy when you're drunk." Steve sighed.

"Now that is completely false. I'm flirty and overly confident when I'm drunk. You just lost your status as favorite avenger to Bucky. Speaking of, where is that hunk?"

"Why? You're going to make a move on him?"  He smirked and turned around to finally look at you.

"Maybe." You smirked and walked away.

After you danced a while with Tony again, you felt tired and the alcohol was starting to cloud your vision.
You staggered towards a couch and collapsed and to your luck, Bucky was sitting on that very couch, talking with Clint.
You dropped down right next to him and clung to his metal arm to which he confusedly stared at you.

"Y/n are you okay?" He asked, pushing a strand of hair out of your face.

"No! I can't even walk straight and now that I'm sitting next to you, I'm bound to embarrass myself." You sighed and held onto his arm a little firmer.
Bucky was visually uncomfortable with someone being near the arm and tried to pry you off.

"Why don't we get you a glass of water and then I'll bring you up to your room? How does that sound?" He asked as you closed your eyes with no means to let go of his arm.

"No, you're busy talking with Clint. I can do it alone, I have my entire life so why ask for help now."

Your sudden mood change surprised not only Bucky but Clint too.
Usually you were all giddy and hyper when you were drunk and not the emotional and talkative drunk.

"I've always been a burden for everyone and you're the last one I want on that list, Bucky. You mean too much to me." A quiet sob escaped your lips and Bucky and Clint exchanged concerned looks.

"Y/n you're not a burden for anyone here! Especially not for me. Come on, I'll take you upstairs and you go sleep it off." Bucky managed to peal you off and he picked you up bridal style and carried you towards your room.

Once he reached your room, he placed you down on your bed.
Pulling the covers over you, he sat down beside you, pushing messy strands of hair out of your face again.
Single tears had run down your cheeks and Bucky was quick to wipe them away.

"Please don't ever think of yourself as a burden again, y/n. We all love you and you mean a lot to me too." Bucky said, his hand still in your hair.
He stood up to leave but you felt like once the door closed behind him, you'd break down.

"Bucky?" You croaked out.

"Yeah?" He was already halfway out the door and turned back, letting the hallway light shine into your room.

"I've been alone my entire life. Could you stay with me for just one night?" You begged and your voice threatened to break.

He didn't answer and you were too afraid to look if he closed the door and left you or if he was still standing there, thinking of a way to tell you off.
To your surprise, you felt the bed dip on the other side and his flesh hand wrap around you.
You felt him, placing a soft kiss on the top of your head and he pulled you into him a little.

"Y/n, I'm always going to be with you. You'll never have to ask me to stay with you because I always will." He whispered.

"You mean everything to me."

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