Date night

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"Mom, help me!" She yelled.

"Ava, you're a 16 year old girl. I shouldn't have to help you get dressed for a date." You joked as you walked up the stairs to her room.

Walking in to her room, you went blind for a moment due to a shirt being thrown in your face.
You removed it with a sigh and looked around the room which looked like a bomb detonated in there.
Your daughter was frantically pacing up and down her room, holding shirts up to herself as she stood in front of the mirror and went back to her closet.

"When do we get to meet him?" You asked with a smirk.

"When dad stops scaring away anybody I might get close to." She said sarcastically.

"Come on sweetie! You know he just wants to protect you." You countered and went to her closet and pulled out a black off-shoulder top and passed it to her.

"From what? Life?" She caught it and briefly smiled at you before putting it on.

You gently pushed her in front of the mirror again and started brushing her hair, something you've been doing ever since she's been three years old.
She calmed down as you pulled strands of her brown hair back and tied them into a small braid.
Grabbing the necklace you got her for her birthday last year, you tied it behind her neck and gave her hair the last finishing touch.

"He loves you and just doesn't want anyone to hurt you." You placed your hands on her shoulders once she turned around. "I don't have to tell you again how he was when we started dating, do I?"

Bucky was the most protective and jealous man you had ever met.
Once you started dating, he would barely leave your side and have his hands on you all the time.
Of course he would never let you near the metal one, afraid it would lash out and hurt you somehow.
You were working as Tony Stark's assistant when you met Bucky and Tony wasn't too fond of Bucky keeping you from work by taking you on dates and you staying at his place instead of the tower.

"He's picking me up at 8, maybe you're quick enough to say hello." She said before walking around you and into her bathroom.

You shook your head with a smile before you went back downstairs where Bucky sat on the couch, a scowl etched onto his face.
He didn't look at you when you sat down next to him and only let out annoyed huffs when you started playing with the plates on his metal arm, causing them to whir and shift.
He got enough when you tapped your ring against it and pulled you into his lap, holding both of your hands in his.

"What are you doing, doll?" He asked calmly.

"Trying to get your attention." You stated nonchalantly.

"Mission accomplished." He smiled before placing kisses down your neck.

"Bucky, Ava is still upstairs." You tried to push him off but his grip on you only got tighter.

"So?" He hummed against your collarbone and your hands tangled in his hair.

"She's about to go on a date. At least wait until she's out of the house." You whispered and he immediately broke away.

"You waited until now to tell me she's going on a date? Who is he? How old is he? What intentions does he-"

"I get it now why she didn't want me to tell you." You sighed. "He's picking her up at 8 and they're going to the movies."

"Not very exceptional for the first date. He could try harder." Bucky argued while he still held you in his lap.

"You took me to the movies on our first date, Buck." You countered.


You quickly got out of his death grip on your waist when Ava came down the stairs.
She looked at you with her eyebrows pulled up and shook her head with a smile, just like yours.
The doorbell rang and you saw Bucky jump off the couch and were quick to stop him while your girl went to get her keys.

"I got it." You yelled while sternly looking at him.

He rolled his eyes and followed you to the front door.

"Hey! You must be here for Ava. I'm y/n, this is my husband, James." You said with a broad smile and jammed your elbow in Bucky's side to force him to smile.

"Y-yeah, I hope it's okay with you? I wasn't sure since she was a bit weary about me meeting you, Mrs Barnes." He answered.

"Stop the formalities. It's-"

"No, no, keep it up. This is my wife you're talking to." Bucky stated and you looked up at him. "Who are you anyway?"

"M-my name's Scott." He stuttered.

"It's nice to meet you, Scott. Ava is just getting her keys. She sh-"

"Mom! Where are my keys?" Your daughter yelled.

"What is it with everybody interrupting me today?" You glared at Bucky. "Where you always put them sweetie."

"If they were, I'd have them by now and wouldn't be here anymore, looking for them."

You sighed when it dawned to you.
Bucky was just as protective of her as of you and your guess was that he had hid them.

"James, where are her keys?" You inquired and you were satisfied when you saw him gulp.

"I don't know." He answered too quickly.

"Give me her keys, James." You held out your hand and with a roll of his eyes he let the keys drop into your hand.

"You're sleeping on the couch tonight." You whispered and smiled as soon as Ava had taken her keys out of your hand.

"I'll see you later tonight. Don't wait up." She smiled and grabbed the arm of a very terrified looking boy and went outside.

"Scott." Bucky called, making him turn around. "If she's not here by twelve, I'm going to find you and I'm going to-"

"Okay, that's enough! Have fun and please take care of her." You slammed the door shut and glared at Bucky.

"What?" He raised his hands as if he didn't just scare the hell out of the boy.

"You're unbelievable!" You exclaimed before going upstairs.

"I'm not banned to the couch, am I doll?" He sounded worried.

"Yes, you are!" You yelled from atop the stairs and looked down at him with a mischievous grin.

"No you're not, get your ass up here!"

You heard him make a sound like a squeal and the stairs creak under his weight as he picked you up and you continued where you left off on the couch.

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