Good morning, stranger

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Everyone had noticed Bucky's strange behaviour in the last few weeks. 
He'd go outside much more often and come up with weird excuses to do so. 
Also, he was in a much better mood all the time.
Talking much more, laughing and he was caught smiling at his phone every now and then. 

It wasn't until that one morning, the team knew why. 

Your POV

It's been almost two months now since you met Bucky. 
You ran into him in the fruit and vegetable aisle of a store and caused him to drop some of the plums he had picked up. 
Working as a scientist, you were looking for some peas for a genetic experiment. 

It was a pretty awkward encounter. 

You helped him and bumped heads on the way down.
After you ran into each other at the store two more times, he slipped his number in your grocery bag and once you found the crumbled piece of paper, you didn't hesitate to call him right away. 
He took you out for dinner and went for a walk in central park with you and you loved it. 

It was simple and sweet and repeated it three more times before you sort of started dating. 
Three weeks in, you two went out for drinks and you ended up having the best sex you ever had in your apartment. 

Everything just kind of went from there. 

You going to the gym together, him staying over at your place, you never staying at the tower because he wants to keep dating you under a low profile and so on. 
What you loved most was how protective he was of you. 
Whenever you went out together and some guy got a little too flirty with you, he'd wrap his metal arm around you, showing you were off limits. 

One day you decided to screw the risks of the team finding out and you spent the night at Bucky's in the tower. 


Natasha was up early again and got up to get herself a cup of coffee. 
Just out of her room, she saw Clint down the hallway, watching something in the kitchen. 
Sneaking up behind him, she peaked around the corner. 

"What are we watch-" Nat began but was cut off. 

"Shhh! She could hear you!" Clint scolded her. 
Together, they watched the stranger walk around the kitchen, open cabinets and drawers and heard her sigh in frustration. 

"Do superheroes not drink coffee? Where are they keeping their cups?" She whispered to herself. 

Both Nat and Clint tensed up when a hand touched both of their shoulders. 
They turned around around to a tired Steve, rubbing sleep out of his eyes. 

"What are you guys doi-" Steve began but Nat and Clint shushed him and pointed to the kitchen. 
Steve also poked his head in and furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. 

"Why are we watching an intruder go through our kitchen?" Steve asked quietly. 

"She's no intruder. She's wearing someone's shirt and nothing else and she's been looking for coffee mugs for the past five minutes. No threat there, Cap!" Natasha explained. 

"But how did she get in here?" Steve was too tired to understand. 

"Steve are you really that innocent? She's someone's one-night-stand!" Nat said. 

Steve's eyes widened as he finally understood what she meant and poked his head back out.
They watched her, still searching through the open cabinets and struggling to look in the top ones. 

"The only question is who does she belong to? Because he or she has good taste in girls, I have to admit!" Clint smirked while checking her out. 

The shirt she wore wasn't too long and one could catch a peak of her butt from under the shirt. 
Clint and Natasha got into a heated whisper-conversation about who the hot stranger belonged to while Steve continued watching her. 

"Guys, shut up!" He said and waving them over to the doorframe again. 

They came back and their mouths fell open at the sight. 
Bucky had come in from the other kitchen entrance, sweatpants and no shirt and wrapped his arms around the strangers' waist. 

"I've been looking for my shirt this morning, y/n." He said, placing a small kiss on her cheek. 
She turned around and kissed him shortly before turning back around. 

"Personally, I think it looks better on me." She smiled and took the cups from his hand and resumed to make coffee. 

He leaned against the counter next to her and looked around the room until his eyes fell on the three heads poking out behind the doorframe, staring at him and her, their eyes wide and mouths gaping. 

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Clint asked. 

"Yes! But we should leave. Bucky's glare is not something I want to see at 7 in the morning!" Nat pulled the two boys out by their shirts and they disappeared into each of their rooms. 

Bucky sighed and pulled her in a hug again, his chin resting on top of her head. 

"What do you think about breakfast in bed, y/n?" He asked. 
She looked up at him with a smile and handed him his cup. 

"I'm in, as long as I don't have to clean it up if you spill!" She giggled while tiptoeing back to Bucky's room. 

He followed, knowing he had to explain the situation to his teammates as soon as they were officially awake. 
Back in his room, he wrapped his non-metal arm around her shoulder and held the cup in the other hand. 
She pulled the blanket over both of them and snuggled up to him, taking a sip of her coffee. 

"Tony's throwing a party on Friday. I was thinking about ditching and coming to your place but how about you come here instead?" Bucky asked. 

"I thought you didn't want the team to know about me for now?" She said, turning her look up to him. 

"I think I kept you hidden long enough now." Bucky smiled, placing a kiss on the top of your head. 

"You know I'd never pass up a chance to meet the Avengers!" She smiled back and pulled him down for a kiss. 

Putting the cup on the nightstand, Bucky rolled on top of her, his hands next to her head and kissed her again, more passionately this time. 

"Out of all of them, you are my favourite, though." She broke away with a loving smile which he returned. 

"God, I love you so much!" He sighed. 

"Love you too, Buckaroo!" She laughed. 

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