A soldiers' last night

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You sat at the bar, your legs crossed and swirled the Champagne in your glass.
Getting dressed in the nicest dress you own, you still sat alone at the counter.
Your night wasn't going as good as the soldiers' behind you.
They were loud but all seemed very happy.
Either they finally came home or it was their last night here.
Out of the corner of your eye you saw two of them talking quietly.
One of them you recognized as Captain America but it was the other one that caught your attention.

He wore a genuine smile that seemed to brighten the entire mood of the conversation

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He wore a genuine smile that seemed to brighten the entire mood of the conversation.
Curiosity got the best of you and you moved to the empty chair next to you, so it would be easier to listen to their conversation.

"Sergeant James Barnes. You're a weird one, you know that?"

"I do, Steve! The ladies love it!"

You bet they do.
You couldn't help but stare at him.
His messy, chocolate colored hair and the blue eyes literally pulled you in and you had to mentally slap yourself to stop staring before he caught you.
Suddenly it got very quiet and everybody turned their heads to the entrance.

You did so too only to see a stunning woman walk in

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You did so too only to see a stunning woman walk in.
She wore a bright red dress and boy it made you jealous.
Yours was black with long sleeves and an open back but still nothing compared to hers.
She stopped in front of the two.
Everything about her was fierce.
Her hair, the look on her face, her posture, everything.
She was talking to the captain, not paying any attention to Sergeant Barnes.
He tried to engage in a conversation with her but she only had eyes for the Captain.

When she left you could hear a frustrated scoff coming from him

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When she left you could hear a frustrated scoff coming from him.

"I'm invisible. I-I'm turning into you! It's like a horrible dream!"

He sighed and waved the bartender for another glass of scotch. Steve just laughed at him and picked up the tab for the rest of the squad.

"Don't take it so hard. Maybe she's got a friend?"

He tapped his shoulder and left back to his other friends, leaving James alone at the bar.
You kept stealing little glances but quickly concentrated on your glass when your eyes met.
He caught you.
You didn't realize how he sat down in the chair next to you until he ordered another scotch.

"Looks like your night isn't going any better than mine."

He sighed before downing the drink and turning to you, giving you a better look at his facial features.

"And why is that? I'm enjoying myself!"

"That was rejection at it's finest! Although if I had to choose between you or Captain America, I'd need some time to think about it."

You finally turned around to him, to see the same genuine smile he gave his friend.
He placed a kiss on your hand, you gave him to say hello.

"Sergeant James Barnes. But please, call me Bucky!"

"Y/n. Bouchard."

"Bouchard? You're not from around I guess?"


His eyes widened a bit and a small smirk tugged at the corners of his lips.
To you, it felt like he got more attractive with the second.

"And how does a sweet girl like you get from Paris to London?"

"Her baggage got lost when she was on her way to the Stark Expo."

You rolled your eyes, earning a hearty laugh get Bucky and ordered a Martini.
You had a couple drinks together and got to know each other more.
He was the biggest flirt you ever met but you can't say that you mind.
It was past 1 in the morning when you decided to go home and asked him to join you.
Both slightly tipsy, he put his arm around you and you stumbled towards the door.
Not before he stopped next to the table, Steve and the rest of his squad sat at.

"Fellas, you have to meet y/n here! She's from the one and only city of love and probably the only woman interested in the stuff Howard Stark does!"

You giggled and he pulled you in a little closer to his side.
The guys all looked at you with an admiring look on their faces and you finally understood why Bucky pulled you closer.

"Why don't you sit down with us and have another drink, huh sweetie?"
One of them asked.
Another one started complementing you in French and you had trouble, holding back a laugh.

"Nah, we better go before anyone thinks about taking you from me tonight!"

He played a small kiss on your cheek and put his hand on the small of your back, giving you a slight nudge.


"Thank you Sergeant Barnes."

He turned around, shooting a wink at his friends and followed you outside and back to your apartment.

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