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Told you not to worry
But maybe that's a lie

Aimlessly wandering through the empty streets, neon lights shining on her like a spotlight, she walked through the night.

Honey, what's your hurry?
Won't you stay inside?

Only the pitter-patter of rain, hitting the pavement, roofs and windows sounded until the shrill ring of a phone disrupted the utopian silence.
It was him.

Remember not to get too close to stars
They're never gonna give you love like ours

He was relentless, never gave up unlike her.
She sought silence and loneliness whereas he couldn't stand to not have her by his side.
That's what brought them together in the first place.

Where did you go?
I should know,
But it's cold

The rain was cold on her exposed skin but she remained numb to everything around her.
Her nocturnal escapade had no goal, no real finish line to cross, she just needed to get away.

I don't wanna be lonely
So show me the way home

She knew he was worried.
She knew that what she did would get her in trouble later but she was carefree, the cold water droplets calming her seemingly burning nerves.
She'd have to face him eventually but she'd evade the confrontation for as a long as possible.

I can't lose another life

It wasn't her fault.
She had no part taking in the incident but still, guilt gnawed at her, nearly eating her alive.
He would inevitably be next which was the cause for her nightly escape of what she called home.

I'm worried

She loved him with her whole heart.
He was her everything and fear coursed through her veins, imagining a life without him.
But the incident figuratively pulled the spotlight on him, painting a target on his back for everyone to see.

The world's a little blurry
But maybe it's my eyes

Just the thought brought tears to her eyes, clouding her vision and she stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, unable to breathe out of pure fear.
Maybe she was overthinking it.
He was strong, he had a metal arm, no one could hurt him...right?

The friends I've had to bury
They keep me up at night

He wouldn't be the first lover to die at her fault.
Friends, family, acquaintances, they were all endangered by her pure existence alone and she knew that.
She had to get away, for his own safety.

Said I couldn't love someone
'Cause I might break

She warned him beforehand.
She was the embodiment of power, a living and breathing neon sign for enemies that advertised vulnerability.
She warned him of the consequences of loving her, but he did it nonetheless.

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