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"I hate her!" 

Everyone turned around to Bucky, slamming the fridge door shut. 
They shared confused looks between each other and looked back to Bucky, who was angrily pacing up and down the kitchen. 

"How can someone be that cruel and selfish? I don't understand it!" Bucky threw his hands up in a frustrated manner and earned more looks. 

"Uhm, Bucky? Who exactly are you talking about?" Steve spoke up and Bucky paused his aggravated strut. 

"Y/n! Y/n freaking y/l/n! Who else?" The confusion increased because usually you and Bucky were pretty damn close. 
Besides Steve, you were his best friend. 

"And why exactly do you hate her so much all of a sudden?" Clint asked, his mouth full with cereal. 

"Because she ate every. single. plum. we had! Who does something like that?" 

Everyone at the breakfast table rolled their eyes or groaned when they found out that something as petty as this, was the reason for Bucky's bad mood. 
Without further comments, they continued their breakfast and ignored Bucky, who silently cursed you for being such a selfish, horrible being. 

All eyes were on you when you came into the room. 
Some looked excited, some were smirking and one pair, if looks could kill, you'd be six feet under right about now. 
And they belonged to your best friend. 

"Why is everyone staring at me?" You hesitantly asked while making yourself a coffee. 

"Did you do something with your hair? It looks different." Tony asked and made the others giggle. 

"He's right. Did you cut it?" Natasha chimed in. 

"I just got out of bed. When should I have had the time to cut my hair?" You were confused. 
They were specifically weird today. 

"I don't know! Maybe when you ate all the plums I bought?" Bucky asked, ironically. 

Oh shit! 
He found out. 
You decided on playing dumb and pretending you didn't know what he was talking about. 

"Bucky, I don't even like plums! What makes you think it was me?" You asked. 

"Cut the crap, y/n! I know okay? How can someone be so selfish?" He almost sounded sad. 

"Bucky, she has a point! It could have been anyone of us." Bruce said, literally saving you from Bucky. 

"I just know, okay!" He got a little louder, making some of them jump in their seats. 

"You're a monster, y/n!" He said, his voice laced with disappointment. 

"In the streets or in the sheets? Got be more specific there, buddy!" You said, smirking and taking a plum out of the fridge which you kept hidden from him. 

He stared at you in shock which quickly turned into anger and the murderous look he had in his eyes made you regret your every decision. 

"Run." He said. 

"Don't have to tell me that twice!" You answered and bolted out of the room. 

"Y/n, I'm going to make your life a living hell!" He yelled after you and you heard his footsteps come closer. 

"Is that a threat or a promise, Barnes?" Your brain to mouth connection somehow stopped working and you made everything worse by teasing him. 

Turning around the corner you were back in the kitchen and listened to him, looking for you. 
The team still sat at the breakfast table and seemed to enjoy the situation you were in, although you were running for your life here. 

"You can't hide from me, y/n! Nor can you run! I will end you!" You turned to them with a pleading look but they all shook their heads, smiling. 

"Barnes, she's in the kitchen!" Tony yelled. 

You made a mental note to make him suffer after your own torture was finished. 
Turning around, you ran straight into Bucky who immediately grabbed your wrists and kept them in place. 

"Bucky, please! I'm sorry I ate them all! I didn't think you would get so angry over this! Please have mercy on me!" You pleaded. 

"You should have thought about that more thoroughly." He smirked. 

You didn't like that smirk. 
It indicated that something terrible was going through his mind. 

"As long as you don't do the thing, I hate most." You said with a pained smile. 

"You mean, tickling you?" He asked with a mischievous grin. 

"Don't say the t-word!" You whined. 
He suddenly picked you up and put you over his shoulder, carrying you out of the room. 

"Bucky, please put me down!" You begged. 

"In your dreams, y/n/n!" He laughed. 

"Bucky, please! I'll do everything you want! Except let you tickle me." You tried bargaining with him although you knew it wouldn't change the fact that he was going to hold on to his promise of making your life a living hell. 

He put you down and cornered you in between himself and the doorframe of his room. 

"Everything?" He asked with a sly grin. 

"Well not everything but almost everything." You awkwardly explained. 

"You're going to do everything I say for the next two weeks. Everything." He had a more serious look on his face but it didn't calm you down one bit. 

"Does that include-"

"You, letting me tickle you? Maybe, maybe not. Who knows?" The smirk was back. 
You were wondering why people called Loki the god of mischief and not Bucky. 

"Wait a second." Bucky left into his room and came back seconds later with a potted plant. 

"Your first order: Carry this with you at all times!" He ordered and you hesitantly took the plant. 

"Why?" You slowly asked. 

"To replace the oxygen you wasted, begging me to have mercy on you." He said without moving a single muscle on his face. 

"You're kidding, right Bucky? He wasn't going to make you carry around a plant for two weeks was he? 

"Your second order: You only address me as Sergeant. Nothing else." The infamous Bucky-smirk grew back on his face and you rolled your eyes. 

"Bucky, are you-" You began to complain but Bucky cut you off. 

"Who?" He asked jokingly. 



"Nevermind, sergeant."

Those two weeks were going to be terrible and you made another mental note to never touch Bucky's food again. 

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