Who the hell is [y/n]

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Fucking HYDRA.
Stupid nazis, idiots, assholes.
Things like these were running through your mind as you ran through the hallways of the fortress, that housed a HYDRA facility.
Who uses an abandoned castle in the middle of Polish woods as his secret base?
You turned left at the upcoming corner and ran straight into a firm, zipped up chest.
Bulletproof vest, black leather but only on one sleeve so you hesitated with shooting the person in front of you, recognizing Bucky's metal arm right away.

"Goddamn it, [y/n]! I almost killed you." Bucky exclaimed, sheathing the knife back into its holster at his waist.

"We have to go. A STRIKE unit is after me and I planted the bomb in the control room." You grabbed his arm and pulled him down the other hallway down the right.

They were on one of the upper floors of the building, meaning there was no door to escape through without being seen and gunned down by a squadron of HYDRA agents.
The two assassins came up to a crossroads and hesitated.
Bucky then pushed you down the left, pointing at the small window at the end of the hallway.
Sprinting down, Bucky ripped the metal bars off with his arm and slammed the glass in with his elbow.
You climbed through it and gulped when you stared down at 200 feet of nothing and the riverbank at the very bottom, sharp rocks sticking out of the shallow water that was still running although it had freezing degrees far below zero.

"Be careful. It's going straight down." You warned Bucky who was about to follow you through the very small window.

"This feels uncomfortably familiar." Bucky muttered but his voice got drowned out by the howling wind.

You didn't have to look at Bucky to know that he was hit with the most inconvenient wave of memories in the history of flashbacks while they stood on the four feet wide ledge and edged around the brick walls of the base to reach solid ground again.
You inched forward carefully, your hair whipping in the freezing wind that threatened to blow your fragile frame right of the ledge and down 200 feet to her death.
Little stones broke of the ledge when your heavy combat boots hit the stone and you threatened to fall if it weren't for Bucky holding you by the back of your uniform.

"There's a large cliff 20 feet ahead." You yelled over the wind. "We're almost out."

Bucky nodded and carefully climbed along after you on the small ledge.
With his chest pressed to the bricks, he tried not to think of that horrible winter day in 1944 where he was hanging off the side of a train under similar conditions.
Only this time it wasn't Steve with him but you, a relatively new member of the team but Bucky knew he could trust you, the moment you entered the conference room and introduced herself.
He was protective of you, he didn't know why since your friendship was nothing like the bond between siblings.
Maybe it was the fact that he liked you a bit more than a friend and had noticed that other members of the team such as Sam and Thor felt the same way about you, that he wanted to keep you more to himself and protect from any sort of pain.
Whether it's heartbreak or a bullet.
Speaking of bullets, Bucky's right arm lost it's grip when a bullet grazed it, causing to disrupt his balance.

You looked upwards to see a HYDRA agent peek out of a window with his gun aimed at the two and you were quick to take him out with a well aimed shot between his eyes after you pulled the handgun from your thigh.
Bucky regained his balance and pressed his body tight against the wall and only looked up when he heard a yelp of pain next to him and saw you gripping her shoulder.
Bucky noticed the blood, flowing down your arm and knew that they had to hurry up with reaching the forest otherwise you would bleed out or fall to her death due to anaemia.
He placed his right arm on your mid back, softly holding you up against the wall and you faced him for a moment before you continued the short but straining way to safety.

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