20 Minutes

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20 minutes.
Doesn't sound too long.
But when you're alone in a room, slowly bleeding to death, 20 minutes feel like an eternity.
So there you sat, barely holding yourself up on the concrete wall while blood seemingly flooded your lungs and stomach.
You barely heard Bucky's voice over the comm in your ear and didn't notice him next to you until he firmly pressed a hand to one of the countless bullet wounds in your torso.

"(Y/N)? Baby, you gotta stay awake for me, can you do that?" Bucky's frantic asking didn't go unnoticed and you nodded weakly.

When Bucky tried to lift you off the ground, a protesting moan escaped you lips and Bucky was quick to put you on the ground again, where you placed your own hand to your bleeding side.

"I've lost too much blood, Buck. You have to leave me here." You whispered and Bucky shook his head.

"No, (Y/N). I lost you once and I won't go through that again. Either you let me carry you or were both dying here." He stated sternly and kept applying pressure to different wounds.

"I still have to set off the bomb. Get out of here Bucky." You croaked out, coughing up blood.

Bucky's focus landed on the remote with the little red button on it in your left hand and sighed deeply.
The plan was to gather all information the base kept about you and Bucky and blow it to hell afterwards.
You getting ambushed and hit with a hail of bullets was not part of the plan.

"Bucky, please." You pleaded, your bloodstained metal hand finding his own. "Go."

"90 years ago, I made you a promise. To be with you till the end of the line. If this is it now, I'm not leaving you." He said and his voice cracked on the last part. "We wanted to grow old together. We're old now and if this is your end, it's mine too."

"Bucky this place is about to blow up and you're not even grazed. I'm not blowing you up!" You cried and Bucky sat down next to you and pulled you into his arms.

"No, you're blowing us up." He answered and wiped a tear away, leaving a small bloodstain.


The team had been waiting inside the jet for the two metal armed soldiers to return and Steve started to get worried.
You were the reason they're here and if you two got hit or captured, either Bucky or you would've said something over comm.

"Guys, you're taking so long. Is everything okay down there?" Steve asked, looking out the hangar door to see if they were coming.

"(Y/N) hit pretty bad. We're not going to make it out of here. You have the files right?" Bucky replied and it dawned to Steve what was keeping him from returning.

"Buck, what do you mean we're not going to make it? Take her and get back up here!" Steve said frustratedly and Clint, Natasha, Sam and Tony were watching him.

They all had an idea what happened but they didn't know that Bucky was sacrificing himself so you weren't alone in your last moments.
Steve knew that and he didn't like it at all.
He had to be selfish in this moment because he didn't want to lose his best friend for the third time in his life.

"Stevie, you're my best friend and I'm sorry but (Y/N) the love of my life and I can't leave her alone to die all by herself. I'm sorry Steve but this is the end of the line." Bucky said and Steve only heard the static on Bucky's side after he took out the comm and crushed it in his hand.

"No, wait Buck- Bucky? Bucky!" Steve yelled but nothing came.


"Why did you do that?" You asked weakly, your thumb lingering on the red button.

"Because I love you." Bucky replied and grabbed your metal hand with his.

"And you always said Stevie was a self-sacrificing idiot." You sighed. "You're willing to kill yourself for me. You're the dumbest person I've ever met."

"(Y/N), we've both been through hell and back. Right now, this is the most peaceful ending I can think of for us both." Bucky said and kissed you.

Bucky didn't realize that that kiss was your last breath, not until he felt your head drop on his shoulder.
You were gone and Bucky couldn't stop himself from crying.
Hydra separated you from each other and Bucky remembered you, being the last memory to be wiped.
Then 90 years later after he got captured on a mission, he met you again.
It took him a moment to recognize you with your new metal arm but those striking (y/e/c) eyes he fell in love with in the 30s were unforgettable.
You broke him out under the promise that he helped you remember who you were.

The team worked hard to integrate you into their life and in the end it was like Hydra never happened.
You and Bucky found back to each other and it was like 1932 all over again.
But then came the call from Fury.
Mission in Russia, files about the two assets that survived the injections of the serum and the team needed to retrieve them.
Staying in the dark about themselves sounded much better to Bucky now that the corpse of his girlfriend was laying on him.

"I love you, (Y/N)." Bucky said quietly and placed a kiss on the top of your head before he laid his hand on yours, pressing the button to set off the bomb.


Steve tried everything to re-engage contact with Bucky but it was a lost cause.
He grabbed his shield off the seat and went outside when Natasha called for him to wait.

"What are you going to do, Steve?" Natasha asked, worried that he might get hurt too.

"Bring back my best friend and his girlfriend, that's what." Steve said emotionless and stepped out of the jet.

The jet was hidden behind a tree line and between the forest and the jet was a large field.
Steve reached the field and looked down to the base.
A run-down brick building, more like a warehouse but on the inside was highly advanced tech and well trained soldiers.

"Nat, tell me if either of them give a sign of li-"

Steve was cut off by the loud explosion of the building in front of him.
It had gotten dark so the fire was the only source of light Steve had.
He stood there and watched how the building slowly caved in on itself, his friends still inside.
The several sets of footsteps that neared quickly weren't even registered by Steve's brain because he was picturing his two best friends, burning alive in the ruins of a Hydra base.
It was Natasha's pain filled scream that shook out of his trance and he stopped her from running into the burning building by pulling her in a hug and turning her away from it.

"It's too late, Nat. They're gone." Steve whispered into her hair, the fire reflecting in his baby blue eyes.

"They're gone."

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