The Lady In Red

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It had long gone dark, just how she liked it.
Easier to move around undetected but it wasn't like she had any problems with staying invisible to the average man's eyes and in heard to the commoner's ears.
The Avengers Compound housing about 10 individuals of which 8 or 9 were more than capable of taking her out but those years of training were to be proven of their worth tonight.
Slipping past the guards at the main gate, she took a detour through the planted forest that surrounded the premises.
The area between the main building and the tree line was risky to cross since it was just grassland with nothing to hide under or behind.
Securing the sniper rifle on her back, she took a deep breath before she ran out of her hideout behind a bush and sprinted across the field.
Gracefully evading the floodlights, she reached the cargo entrance of the compound and quickly picked the lock of the staff entrance and slipped inside.

Now the real mission began.
The Avengers were hosting a charity event after having destroyed yet another city, having eradicated homes of thousands of innocent people.
She heard the music play on the upper floor and hid behind a pillar when she heard footsteps enter the room.
Holding her breath so no one could hear her, she quickly came up with a plan and pulled the smaller handgun from her waist and screwed the suppressor on before taking out the two guards that had come down here for a routine check up.
The door from which they entered was still open and she sneaked out before closing it behind her.
She grimaced at the brightly illuminated hallway and quickly dodged into the stairwell where she silently climbed the stairs until the music got louder.
It wasn't the main floor but one underneath and she exited the stairwell and the first door she saw was labeled wardrobe.
She smirked to herself before slipping into the room and closing the door before anyone could see her.

What she didn't expect was the young couple that was lost deeply in a make out session and they stared at her in shock when they saw the heavy weaponry she carried and the woman cowered behind her partner when an eerie grin curled her lips.

"Now, you two aren't supposed to be here, are you?" She asked them and placed the suppressor against his head and pulled the trigger.

She had her gloved hand clasped over the woman's mouth and pinned her against the wall before she could let out a scream and ignored the tears and sobs escaping her.
Casting an inspecting gaze down her body, the assailant shrugged before turning the gun around and slamming the handle against the woman's temple, knocking her unconscious.
Seconds later, she emerged from the wardrobe, clad in a diamond studded red number with a slit that revealed her long and toned legs.
She had undone the practical hairdo and let her hair fall over her shoulders.
Sadly, she couldn't hide her M16 or the Beretta M9's under the dress so she settled for the knife that she secured to her leg with a strap and luckily the slit wasn't too high to reveal it.
She felt exposed and longed for the security and coverage of her tactical uniform with the burgundy highlights she added herself but the mission had to be accomplished under any circumstances.
Turning to the left, she bumped face first into the firm chest of who she recognized as Steven Grant Rogers, also known as Captain America.

"I'm sorry, Miss but you're not supposed to be down here." He politely informed her.

"I'm so sorry. I got lost, I was looking for a balcony that was less crowded." She upped the pitch of her voice and sported an innocent and embarrassed smile. "I get stressed with big crowds like these."

"Trust me, ma'am. I know the feeling." He smiled. "Do you need me to show you back upstairs?" He pointed back in the direction of which he came from and she nodded.

"That would be so very kind of you, Captain Rogers." She chirped and followed him.

As they ascended the stairs to the main floor, her eyes landed on the kitchen door and the staff bustling around inside and the next part of her plan formed inside her head.
Steve turned around when he heard her stumble and quickly helped her stand when she was barely supporting herself on the railing.

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