Save me

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Impatiently tapping his foot, Bucky checked his gun for ammunition for the third time.
It was something that gave him assurance, something that promised him that this mission would be a success.

Something that kept him sane.

"Buck, calm down! It's a simple rescue mission. Nothing to be nervous about."

Steve's voice shook him out of his thought process.
As Bucky's eyes met the worried gaze of his best friend he knew he had to pull his act together.

For you.

"Let's go over it again: Nat and I go in from the front entrance, drawing attention to us. Barton's coming in from the top, securing the hard drive and you go in from the Southside and find y/n, okay?"

Bucky didn't listen but he knew the plan.
Three days ago, HYDRA had taken you in after you retrieved Russian nuclear codes from a hidden military research base.
You asked to do this mission alone because you had some unfinished business with HYDRA.
What made you join the Avengers was the murder of your sister after they had kidnapped her and experimented on her.

As a former US Army soldier, you knew how to fight and how to infiltrate a place but what awaited you behind the doors made you want to wipe HYDRA off the earth's surface.
Bucky trained you and throughout your training and living with him at the compound, you two eventually grew a little closer.

Starting off as friends and being there for him when he had a nightmare soon turned into crawling into his bed in the middle of the night when you felt lonely and him taking care of you after every mission.
Which is why he blamed him for you getting taken in.
He felt as if he didn't take care enough and let you out of his sight.
If you got hurt today, Bucky promised himself that there would be no place HYDRA could hide from him.

They could't hide from him.
Nor could they run.

The jet landed, hidden from the facility but close enough to keep an eye on it.
As Bucky sneaked around the base he could already hear gunshots being fired from inside.
He prayed for Natasha to not let Steve do anything stupid and reckless and hoped they would get out safely.
His well-being was not a priority today.

While Bucky made his way through the tunnels, he walked past many cells and laboratories and took out every guard inside and liberated the few prisoners.
As he walked down another hallway, he heard footsteps coming closer from around the corner.
He took a breath and as soon as the guards rounded the corner he began shooting at them but he missed the dispatch from behind him and got the jump on him and sedated him.

Putting a cloth over his head, Bucky soon lost consciousness and was heaved into one of the countless holding rooms.


The cloth was removed from Bucky's head and the bright light made him squint his eyes.
As soon as everything focused he recognised you in the chair in front of him.
Clawing at the restraints on his left arm, he let out a frustrated grunt.

He finally looked at you and the sight only fuelled his anger.

The duct tape covering your mouth was stained with blood which ran down from your nose and a gash on your forehead.
Tears staining your cheeks and your bloodshot eyes underlined by dark bruises.

"Y/n, I'm getting you out of here, I promise!" He said while trying to free his metal arm.

Y/n let out a muffled sob and her eyes widened in fear as door behind her opened.

"Ah, the asset returned home! Who knew it would be this soon?" The man who came in pulled out a chair and sat down next to you.

"You're here for this little beauty aren't you? Tell me where the codes are and she's yours!"

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