Street Fight

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A/N: starts at 01:40
Also more of a writing practice than a real story

He was unbelievably fast, moving at a pace that had you struggling to dodge his many attempts to shut your lights off permanently.
You were momentarily mesmerized by how elegantly he flipped the knife in his right hand but you were pulled back to reality when said knife was aimed at your face.
He jabbed the blade at your right cheek but you blocked his forearm with your own but he quickly aimed another hit at your right thigh.
You managed to block his attack again but when he failed to hit your hip, he aimed at your face again but this time you caught his wrist and twisted his arm away from you, where he dropped the knife.

Visibly frustrated, the soldier aimed a wild left hook at your face and the arm made prominent noises as it soared over your head.
He tried again to bash your head in, this time with his other hand and you successfully ducked under the punch before landing a forceful hit of your own that had him stumbling backwards.
You jumped and used the momentum of your spin to slam your foot into his chest which sent him flying into the side of a silver SUV.
After having successfully knocked him back and thus demolishing another car, you came at him again, your knee landing in his gut with such force that would've broken a normal man's ribs and had him emptying his stomach but not this one.
You followed the move with a right hook which was blocked by his metal arm and he landed a quick but strong jab at your left cheekbone.

His normal arm reached around your shoulder and you recognized the move as an attempt to bring you down to the ground but you were quick enough to grab his leading arm and pull him down instead.
He was back on his feet faster than you could blink and before you could even think of a countermeasure, his metal fingers had found their way around your throat and started squeezing.
Clawing at the metal proved to be redundant and he pulled you close to his face where you managed a quick glance at his eyes before he launched you backwards over the hood of a car.
Your lungs were void of air and you used the few seconds you had to refill the tank but you already heard his heavy combat boots closing in behind the car.
You only saw him after he had jumped down from the hood, the metal fist dangerously close to bashing your face in and leaving a dent in the tarmac, where your face used to be one second ago.

You jumped up to your feet and attempted a quick strike at his face but he blocked it with his elbow before his fist collided with your side repeatedly until the sheer force of his punches sent you flying backwards.
You were slightly disoriented as the back of your head collided with the van but you regained your focus as soon as you saw him coming at you with the knife raised high.
Moving your leg up to block him from your body, he just kicked your shin as a counter hit and slammed the knife down on your face.
You managed to grab his wrists before the knife was sheathed into your eye socket and it took you all of your strength to keep him off of you.
He pushed down with so much force that you just rolled your head to the side as you weren't strong enough to withstand him and let him slam the knife into the car.
Suddenly he began pushing you to the side in an attempt to free the knife and finish his mission of killing you and again you gave your best to push against it but to no avail.
The knife scraped through the hull of the car, dangerously close to your head and you couldn't do anything except hold out and hope he got tired soon as you stared into his dead eyes.
Reaching the end of the car, you curled around to the trunk and let him stumble past you which allowed you to land a nice strong hit to his right cheek.

Managing to pull Steve's shield out of the car's hull, you held it up in time for his fist to collide with it, preventing the knife from sinking into your eye.
Your relief was short lived since he let the knife drop from his flesh hand into the other and you couldn't react fast enough to dodge the incoming punch that slammed your jaw out of its socket.
Stumbling backwards, he swung his fist at you in a wild and feral manner but you're lack of balance allowed you to evade a likely painful or even life ending hit to your head.
Again, you held up the shield to block his everlasting assault on your body and you could see the frustration in his eyes that built with him being unable to finish his mission quickly and killing you.
You saw his leg coming to probably disrupt your balance and bring you down on the ground but you used Steve's shield to protect yourself.
You ducked under his arm again and luckily saw his backhand swipe at your face with the knife and managed to lodge the shield in between the plates of his arm, hindering any movement also by grabbing his wrist.
You both remained still in a tug-of-war of strength, pushing against one another until you quickly took the shield and moved it under his outstretched arm and slammed it up against his chin before spinning around and grabbing ahold of his jaw.
Moving your arm to apply more force, you launched his body over your shoulder where he landed on the ground, losing his mask in the process.
He stood still, facing you with his back and you took a deep breath, preparing for the fight to continue when he turned around.

You recognized him right away, no matter how much sense it didn't make, there was no doubt it was him.
Now that you knew it made sense in your head, the stormy blue eyes, capable of holding so much emotion and the brown hair that always reminded you of chocolate.
You were shocked, to say the least.
You thought he had died and that's what you've been told but here he was standing in front of you, not having aged a single day.
He looked a bit taller than you remembered and then there was the new metal arm adorning his left side.
Whatever changes he's undergone in the last few decades, you still recognized those distinctive features that were so him, that it couldn't be anybody else under that mask.

"Bucky?" Your voice betrayed you and cracked.

His eyes twitched and confusion grew on his face before he answered you.

"Who the hell is Bucky?"

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