The new Avenger

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Washington D.C, 9AM

"Do you have any idea who this is?"

Fury pointed at the pictures of a woman on the screen.
The team shook their heads.

"This right here is Y/n Y/l/n. She is an excellent soldier who served in the army for 3 years. She was offered a spot in "Project Manticore". A project to genetically enhance soldiers to become even better. Like Sergeant Barnes or the Captain."

Everyone's eyes were glued to the screen as they watched the footage of you, restrained to an operating table, squirming while being injected with a bright blue liquid.
More footage of you, fighting off large numbers of men much taller and visually stronger than you.
You took them out without breaking a sweat.

"She escaped the facility two months ago and is now running freely and doing so-called "mercy killings". So far she has killed 4 of the ten scientists who worked on developing this X5 serum."

"Is it the same thing that was used on me?" Steve asked.

"We don't know yet. We know that there are more like her but she is the only one that escaped. She is registered as X5-452 and was the most prestigious and successful subject."

"Where is she now?"

Natasha was flicking through your file, finding out everything necessary about you.
The rest of the team had their heads deep into your file, halfheartedly listening to Fury.

"She was last seen in Bucharest, Romania. Romanoff, Barnes, Rogers and Stark. I want you to extract her and get her to the base. Alive."

Fury ended the briefing and the four chosen to find you made their way to the runway, taking the Quinjet on a little trip to Romania.

Your POV --> Bucharest, 4:30PM

You plopped down on the couch, careful not to drop the sandwich you just made yourself.
Switching through the channels, you sighed and gave up finding anything to fight your boredom.
Having nothing to do seemed even worse than being locked up in the facility.
There you had a task, not much freetime and were constantly surveyed.

Now, you had all the time in the world and no one to tell you what to do or beat you for disobedience.
When they offered you the place for a science project for exceeding soldiers, you were excited.
That feeling quickly left after the injections were done. This place was like hell on earth.
You closed your eyes and laid your head back into the pillows, when suddenly the door sprung open and people walked in.

Three men and a woman. One of the guys was holding something like a shield and the other one had a metal arm. You recognized all of them because you just saw them on TV after a bomb went off in Vienna at a UN council.
They looked at you, still not showing any reaction to the four intruders but resumed eating your sandwich.

"Can I finish this before we get down to business?"


The one with the shield sat down on one of the chairs at the dinner table in the middle of the room while the others kept standing, eyeing you suspiciously.
You finished your sandwich and returned the plate to the kitchen.
In your hand, a small ball making a buzzing sound.
Placing it in the middle of the room you pushed the little button on the remote in your hands.

The shield guy dropped his shield and the metal arm started giving off weird buzzing sounds and started fuming.
The blue glowing wrists of the woman's suit turned off and the Ironman's cap fell off, his systems shutting down.

"I just noticed that all of you had something running with electricity on your suits so I thought, why not pack out this little bad boy."

You picked it back up and examined it closely.

"It's a little jamming device I made myself. It sends off electrical waves, shutting everything off in a distance of 15 feet."

"That's amazing. You know we could need someone like you on ou-"

"I am not going to join your little government granted militia. And I'm not going back to the states either. So your 12 hour flight here was extremely unnecessary."

You sat back down on the couch and pulled out your phone.
The guy with the metal arm, inspected it with an angry look on his face.

"I say we just knock her out and go. It's not like she's going to come voluntarily."

"Gogo Gadgetto gets it!"

Mr. Stark laughed at your remark but quickly stopped after receiving three pairs of glares on him.
Steve was concentrating on a way to peacefully get you into that jet and smiled when he got an idea.

"How's your bank account looking, Y/N?"

"It's half empty why?"

"We have an open job offering that would ensure an always full bak account."

Truth was, you didn't even have a bank account here. You were completely broke and lived off stealing and breaking into the rich people's houses.

"Not interested...but...out of high would the salary be?"

A smirk played tugged on the Captain's lips and he knew he halfway got you now.

"You could buy an island. Or two."

Your eyes widening at the amount of money you'd receive for giving up your newly found freedom, you considered it.
These are the Avengers we're talking about.
How bad can they be, right?

"Fine, I'll come with you. But as soon as something goes against my way, I'm gone!"

"I can live with that."
You went into your room to pack a little bag with your belongings and came back seconds later.

"Can we go?"

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