I am just a kid - Request

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I'm just a kid

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I'm just a kid.
Where are my parents?
What did I do to deserve this?
I have to get out of here!
I can't take this anymore!

Things like that were running through your mind while you sat in your cell, the only thing protecting you from the cold was a nightgown.
Who the hell wears nightgowns?
You moved to wrap your arms around your knees when you remembered the cuffs on your wrists.
You learned not to try and use your powers to escape since the electricity that came from the cuffs was unbearably painful so you let the metal rub your skin raw which was less painful than the cuffs.

The leather straps were tightened around her wrists and ankles and her head was roughly moved to the side to give the scientist in charge access to her neck, where the serum was supposed to be injected to spread throughout her system.
It felt like liquid fire shooting through her body and she was pulling against the restraints while screaming in pain.
She didn't realize the men watching her writhe in agony with satisfied grins but as the equipment around her started to levitate and her eyes turned white, they gave her a tranquilizer and she fell unconscious right away.

Your neck still hurt where the syringe pierced your skin and you were wandering what you did to deserve to be treated like a wild animal.
You were a child, you haven't disobeyed an order ever since you got here apart from the one time you tried to escape, you were innocent.
Letting your head drop, you prayed for sleep to take you before the next session started and you prayed that you would never wake up from that sleep so you could finally find peace.


The explosion shook the entire building and you woke up from your two hour nap.
Guards were running past your cell and you pressed yourself against the wall in hope to be consumed by it so they wouldn't find you.
You tried to listen to the guards and grew confused when you heard who was apparently attacking the facility.

"The Avengers are here. We need to hide the girl before they take her." One of the guards said.

"Orders are orders. If we can capture the asset, the girl is irrelevant." The other one replied.

You gasped in fear when out of nowhere an arrow pierced through the guy's chest and he fell to the ground, the other one following shortly after with another arrow lodged in his heart.
A man with short and messy blonde hair came into sight and picked the lock of your cell before entering.

"[y/n]? We're here to help you, my name's Clint." He reached out a hand but you were terrified and moved into the furthest corner of your cell, hoping to bring distance between you and the archer.

"Clint! What's taking so long?" A woman's voice came from down the hall and your eyes moved hastily between Clint and the hallway until a woman with bright red hair and another man came into your cell.

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