Tension release

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You and Bucky's relationship was... interesting to say the least.
If it weren't for Steve and Clint holding you off of each other, both of you and countless other people would be dead.

He was a control freak who would flirt with anything that remotely looks female.
In his eyes you were a arrogant and annoying little child who would do anything but follow his orders.
He should know not to mess with your temper though because being Loki's twin sister had its perks.

Right now you were in Poland on your way to a Hydra research base.
Bucky, who was put in charge of the mission, was constructing a plan for how to get in to which you didn't listen for one second.
The jet landed and everyone got out, preparing to get inside.

"Steve and Natasha will go in from the east side, save any intel you can get your hands on. Clint and Sam come in from up top and you come with me from the main entrance. Last time you proved that you can't be left alone!" Bucky said, sending a glare in your direction.

"Are you seriously still riding on about New Mexico? Move on for god's sake, it's not healthy to be dwelling on the past like that!" You rolled your eyes and walked up the hill to catch a glimpse of how heavy the facility was guarded.

Bucky came up from behind you and made you face him.

"What?" You huffed out in annoyance.

"Improvise again and you'll stay back." He ordered and made his way don the hill towards the not guarded facility.

"Improvise again and you'll stay back. As if he could tell me what to do!" You said to yourself.

"Y/n! We don't have all day!" He yelled and you reluctantly followed him.

You stopped in front of the gate and watched Bucky figure out a way in.
Rolling your eyes with a smile you snapped your fingers and the doors came off the hinges and almost knocked Bucky down.

"You were thinking of how to get in, I got us in! Come on, let's kick some Hydra ass and get out of here!" You walked past him and punched the first guard that came at you right through the wall.

"Unbelievable." He stated and followed.

Fighting off guards who tried to kill or restrain you, you stopped before a corner and listened to two men with a polish accent.

"Find the girl and bring her here. She is of great value and we need her as a replacement for the lost asset." Hearing them, lit up a fire within you.

You stood up and started to turn around the corner when Bucky grabbed your ankle.
He was crouched on the ground and shot you a warning look that let you know if you did this, you'd regret it later on.

"Wait!" He whispered.

The problem was that deep down you relished in pissing him off, so you silently blew him a kiss and pulled your leg out of his grip and turned around the corner.

Taking them down was almost too easy.
Being as extra as you are, you ripped them apart with a flick of your hand and stood, proudly looking at the pool of blood forming in front of you.
Bucky flinched behind the corner when he heard the pain-filled screams and the snapping of bones.
He stood up as soon as you came back and grabbed your wrist pulling you in close enough to hear his heart beat.

"What the hell was that?" He gritted.

"I improvised." You shrugged and pulled your hand out of his grasp.

Usually if you turned around and walked away after an argument, was his cue to shut up and drop it but his footsteps behind you and the yet again firm grip on your upper arm, indicated that he was far from done.

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