Independence Day gone wrong

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#11: "It's easy to make fun of the 100 and something year old man who's afraid of fireworks until you find out that's it's not the fireworks themselves but the sounds that remind him of gunshots."

"Happy Birthday, Steve!"

The entire room cheered and Steve wore a broad smile.
This year, the team had really gone out of their way, which was to be expected for Steve's 100th birthday.
Everything was decorated in a vintage, 1930's style which included the dress code, meaning men in sharp suits with gelled back hair and women with finger waves and sparkly dresses with fringe at the hem, that looked beautiful when twirling around.

"Thank you guys. This really wasn't necessary." Steve said sheepishly.

"Of course it was!" You said. "You only turn 100 once. Might as well make it a big celebration right?"

You took a look around the festivity and smiled with pride, you had organized most of it with a little financial aid from Tony but the idea was yours.
You watched how Steve and Bucky met in a brotherly hug and your heart swooned a bit.
The two had gone through so much together and to see them happy and relaxed was a rare sight.
It was also possible that your heart did a little jump because it always did that when you look at Bucky.
You've taken an interest in him as soon as you heard Steve talk about his best friend and meeting the real deal almost overwhelmed you.
With everything looking like you robbed a 30's movie set, he was in his element for the first time and it showed, the usually gloomy and silent Winter Soldier had been replaced by a vibrant and talkative Bucky Barnes.
You stood by the bar, champagne swirling in your glass and you ignored the person taking a seat next to you until you recognized his voice when he spoke up.

"You really went all out this time, didn't you?" You looked up at Bucky who sported a proud smirk.

"Of course! Steve's been like a brother to me, he only deserves the best." You said, chuckling at the sight of Steve dancing with Natasha, Natasha being the lead.

Upon seeing them, an idea sprung to you head.

"Can you teach me how to dance?" You asked sheepishly and the lopsided grin turned into an excited smile.

"There's nothing I'd rather do."

He lead you up to the floor and you knew your cheeks had the same color as your lipstick when Bucky's hand rested on your lower back.
He placed your hand on his shoulder before taking the other on in his metal one.
You were relieved that it was that one so he couldn't feel how clammy your hands were due to the excitement that came with being so close to him.

"Now it's really not that hard. You go back with your right foot, then come back, step, and do a side step." He explained and you kept your eyes trained on your feet, mimicking his movements and careful to not step on his.

"Don't look at your feet, look at me." You looked up at him and he looked like the happiest man alive.

"I'm going to spin you, try not to step on your own feet." He warned with a grin before lifting your arm above your head and spinning you around slowly.

He pulled you back and his hand was back on your lower back, with it the shiver that ran down your spine whenever he touched you.
Repeating the basic steps he just taught you, you managed to only step on his feet twice which lead to countless apologies from your side and him brushing it off as if it was an honor to be stepped on by you.

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