Love-Hate Relationship

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Days off were very rare.
So when you have one, you start it off by having breakfast with the team.
The entire team.
Including Bucky.
You and Bucky had an... interesting relationship.
Interesting as in you would probably kill each other if it weren't for the rest of the team holding you back.

Sitting at the breakfast table, Bucky sat across from you and Sam sat next to you.
Tony sat at the top, tiredly staring into his coffee.

"Tony, you alright?" You asked.

He hummed.
He seemed extremely tired and drained.

"Did Pepper want to go all night long and you couldn't keep it up or what?"
Sam said, making everyone laugh.
Except Bucky.
His always gloomy mood could ruin everybody else's.
You continued eating your cereal when suddenly something kicked your foot underneath the table.
You looked at Bucky, who didn't pay any attention to what happened.

Ignoring it, you took a sip of your coffee

"Nat, how did the mission in Cuba go?"

You decided on engaging in a conversation to distract yourself from the smug look on Bucky's face.

"Great! Those idiots ran away from me as soon as I came in!"

Breaking into a laughing fit, you took a sip of your coffee.
Another strong kick underneath the table, made you spill the burning hot coffee on your shirt.
You gasped and glared at Bucky, who continued his innocent act.

"And where did you learn how to drink?"

Sam handed you a napkin to dry off the caffeine.
You gave Sam the sideways glare and tried to ignore the burning pain on your neck.
Pulling your legs up on your chair, it was only a temporary escape.
A very uncomfortable one.
Putting your legs back on the floor, you scooted away from the table and out of his reach.

Oh how wrong you were.
Bucky was a lot taller than you and therefore had longer legs.
Finishing your cereal, you again felt a strong kick against your shin.
Slamming your hand on the table caused everyone to look at you.

"Barnes, I'll use your head as a tabletop if you don't stop fucking kicking me!"
You yelled while leaning over the table.
He also leaned over the table, salt and pepper dividing you.

"I don't know what your problem is, y/n! Save the monday mood for when it's actually Monday, huh?"
He smiled and leaned back in his chair.

"Calm down, y/n!"
Steve said standing up and reaching for the salt.

"Calm down? I'm suffering from some second degree burns here and you tell me to calm down? This jerk has been taunting me all morning!"

"I'm the jerk? What was that yesterday? You literally ate all the plums when I told you not to!"
Bucky chimed in.

"Stop dwelling in the past, Barnes."
You rolled your eyes and grabbed an apple from the bowl.
Sam groaned next to you and pulled something out of his pocket.
You missed how Bucky stood up and walked behind you.
You tensed up when he took the apple out of your hand and whispered in your ear.

"This was just the beginning, y/n!"
His hand lingered on yours, holding the apple.
That was until Sam decided to slap some handcuffs on both of your wrists.
You both looked at him with disturbed faces.

"Twenty four hours until I take those off!"

The rest of the team cheered on him while he stood up and walked back to his room.
Bucky immediately went after him, pulling you out of your chair.

"Bucky you ass! My arm!"
He stopped and sighed loudly.
You reluctantly caught up to him with a glare.
You heard the rest of the Avengers laugh at him dragging you behind him when you stopped in front of Sam's door.

"Sam open the door this isn't funny!"
You yelled, knocking repeatedly.

"I don't even want to know why he had handcuffs in his pockets."
Bucky muttered.
Sam opened the door with a disinterested look.

"Twenty four hours. Or until you get along with each other."
With that he slammed the door back in your face.

"And how am I supposed to take a shower now?"
You yelled.

"It's nothing he hasn't seen before!"
Sam answered through the door.
Frustrated, you kicked it and went back into the living room, as fast as the 350lbs monster would let you.
They all stared at you, biting their lips to hold back a laugh.

"One word and I'll kill all of you with my bare hands!" You blankly stated.

"Which one?" Natasha asked, causing the group to burst out laughing.
They quieted down when you showed them the biggest bitch-face anyone's ever seen.
You rushed out of the kitchen, back to your room, Bucky right behind you.
To your confusion, he kept quiet.
In your room you both sat down on the edge of your bed, not saying a word.

"We could pretend to get along?" He suggested.

"They wouldn't buy it. I thought about that too. " You retorted.

"It's worth a shot?" He raised his eyebrows in a questioning manner and looked at you.
You sighed.

"How are we going to pull this off?" You asked.

"Let's try the hug it out?"
You nodded and the both of you got up and got stuck in the door.
Awkward as hell, you managed to leave your room and waited in the hallway for someone to come by.

"Some more fighting to get their attention?" He looked down at you.

"Do you always have to be so arrogant? All you think about is making my life hell!" You yelled, making him understand.

"I'm arrogant? I'm not the one strutting around the tower, thinking I'm the best thing to ever walk on Earth's surface!"
He yelled back.

"Uh, yes you are!" You stood there, glaring at each other when Sam came around the corner.

"Hug it out?" He asked.

"Yeah!" You huffed out.

It was the most awkward hug ever and you waited for Sam to come over and take the damn cuffs off.
He finally came over but walked past us.

"Not buying it."
He said, strolling past us, his hands in his pockets.

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