Who the hell is [y/n] #2

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Bucky was restless ever since that day you broke into the compound and killed a few members of the research department before escaping with that biochemical weapon the team secured during another mission.
He didn't sleep, didn't eat and even Sam became worried with Bucky's behavior after seeing you.
As of now, the team was gathered in the briefing room, discussing what to do about you.
Bucky had completely zoned out, something he did more often ever since the incident but he perked up when a crucial question dropped.

"So what do we do about [y/n]?" Tony threw the question into the round.

"We bring her back." Everyone cast a concerned glance Bucky's way.

"We do the same thing you guys did with me. Filter out what Hydra put in there, rehabilitate and try to get her to remember who she is. She's one of us, you can't give up on her."

Some felt relieve that Bucky was so eager to find you, that he was returning to his self after he was this moping and sulking mess immediately after your supposed death.

"Barnes is right. She's a part of the family and we have to bring her back, whatever it takes."
Tony agreed and received a round of nods from the rest of the team.

"Nice to know you agree with me on something for once." Bucky scoffed.

"Now you want to do this, frosty? Now?" Tony asked annoyed and Bucky shrugged.

"Alright then," Steve chimed in. "I think we're all clear on the mission objective here?"

Steve looked around the room until his eyes met Bucky's and he knew that look of determination from somewhere.

"Find [y/n]."

"I got her." Natasha announced and everyone huddled around her and the screen. "Facial recognition's got a hit, she was last seen at the old Stark Industrie's facility in California."

"Oh shit." Tony sighed.

"What?" Bucky asked, concern rising in him.

"That research facility is where I built my first Arc-reactor. If they're trying to revamp that thing, we're going to have more than just a problem." Tony explained.

"Because...?" Sam asked.

"Because if that thing blows up, we're down to 49 states. That explosion would level half of the entire west coast." Tony said darkly.

Bucky shrugged. "Guess we better get moving then."

Bucky was moving around the facility silently, machine gun resting in his hands and Steve covering his back while they searched the place.
Tony was right with his assumption that hydra planned on restarting the reactor, seen in the guards that were now knocked unconscious or dead throughout the building.
The two soldiers reached the reactor room and Bucky's eyes widened slightly at the size of it.

"Stark wasn't wrong, that thing is huge." Bucky commented.

"Yeah...let's try to not blow it up." Steve countered, cringing at the thought of leveling the west coast.

Somewhere in the distance Bucky heard footsteps and he and Steve turned around, only to be met with the sight of an empty hallway.
The sounds echoed through the room and Bucky knew you were still around somewhere.

"She's here." Bucky whispered.

"I'll go upstairs, you keep eyes on the reactor." Steve ordered before quietly climbing up the stairs, leaving Bucky alone in the large hall.

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