One Night Stand

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Your eyes fluttered open and although you barely remembered anything from the prior night, you vowed to yourself that you'll never touch another bottle of Tequila ever again.
If it wasn't for your friend, getting that spot as editor in the New York Times, you would've never tapped into it like that but she made you, telling you that you were such a partypooper and unbearable when sober.
You made a mental note to give her a piece of your mind when you got home.


A place you were currently not at which confused and slightly scared you as your eyes wandered around the elegant bedroom.
The floor length window was open and gave a beautiful view over the entire city and jealousy grew within you, thinking of your three-room apartment in Brooklyn.
The wind coming in caused you to pull the covers tighter around yourself which made you realize that they were the only thing covering you and you didn't dare turn around to see whose bed you were in.
What if you knew him or if he was a friend?

You felt him stir beside you and before you could move, his arm was draped around your waist and he had pulled you into his chest.
One night stands were nothing new to you but you felt so awkward the morning after.
If you weren't already gone, they would just ask you to leave after you got dressed in the clothes from the night before and your friend would give you shit for doing the walk of shame once you came home.
Carefully lifting his arm off you, you slipped out of his bed and put on his shirt, since your dress was nowhere to be found.

"That's a view I could get used to in the morning."

A husky voice spoke up behind you and you turned around to see him leaning against his wooden headboard, which you noticed was splintered at the top as if someone had crushed it.
You pulled his shirt farther down your legs and looked down at your feet as an attempt to hide your blushed cheeks.
Your eyes landed on a gun that was covered by his sweatpants and they shot back up, focusing on the silver metal that was his left arm.
He seemed unbothered by your presence and didn't care about your silent staring.

"You-you're the-" You stuttered.

"Bucky. My name's Bucky." He flashed a charismatic smile before removing the covers of himself and walking over to you.

You were awfully aware of his lack of clothes and turned around, walking towards his balcony where the sun has already risen that it was casting a nice orange glow across his bedroom.
You tensed up when a pair of arms snaked around your waist and small kisses were being peppered along your neckline.
Shuddering at the temperature difference of his skin and the other arm, memories of last night returned including that very arm not leaving a spot of your skin untouched.

You sighed. "Oh god."

"Hearing you say that brings back memories from last night." You didn't have to face him to know that a broad smirk was curling those plump lips of his.

Eventually you did turn around after his hands wandered lower and his kisses grew from little pecks to small love bites that were sure to leave even more bruises on your blue and purple skin on your neck, collarbone and chest.
You faced him to see his eyes anywhere but on your face and you placed a finger underneath his chin to make him look up at you.

"My eyes are up here, you know?" You asked him as his hands found their home at your waist again.

"Believe me, I know." He smirked but you turned back around, burying your face in your hands.

"I can't believe I slept with the Winter Soldier." You sighed. "How did we even meet?"

"Hey, no complaints on my side!" His hands were back. "You looked irresistible last night, I had to get to know you."

Somehow this wasn't like any other one night stand.
In previous ones you'd sneak out in the morning or he would tell you to leave when he woke up but Bucky was different.
Instead, Bucky made you feel confident with the way he looked at you and touched you.
It felt like he didn't want you to leave just yet.

"Last night was fun." He grinned, his hands gliding up your arms.

"Never pictured the Winter Soldier as such a kinky one." It was your turn to smirk.

Bucky couldn't get enough of you. He wanted more of you but couldn't really tell if you did, too.

"So...normally I get pushed out or told to leave. Why am I still here?" You asked quite confused.

"I'm not an asshole and only an asshole would push a beautiful girl like yourself out. Then, I'm not quite finished with you yet."

His hands reached your shoulders where they slowly pushed the fabric of his white dress shirt down your arms until it landed bunched up at your feet and he grabbed your hands.

"But what if I'm finished with you?" You asked playfully after your legs hit his bed frame. "Do you even know my name?"

"Yes, [Y/f/n] [y/l/n]. I do know your name."

You were surprised to say the least that he remembered your name. Your full name.

"Come on, [y/n]. Why don't we have a little more fun, how's that sound?" He proposed, placing kisses down your neck.

Your mind was racing as he pulled you closer to him by your waist before his hands travelled to your behind, squeezing with a minimum amount of force.
You couldn't help but think if you were dreaming.
You had an avenger, probably the most attractive one in your opinion, trying to get you to go for another round after an unforgettable first one.
Although you found it strange that he was acting like this wasn't unusual and as if he had known you for a long time.

"Relax, [y/n]. Stop thinking and let me take control, I know you like that." He smirked into your neck and you subconsciously held onto his broad shoulders.

Why were you so hesitant?
You could have Bucky Barnes pounding into you and give it to you like no other man before him had but here you were, holding out on him.
You wouldn't ever see him again so why not?

"Oh, fuck it." You sighed and pulled him into a searing kiss while pulling him down on the bed with you.

A/N: I'm sorry for the long break but I'm writing 5 exams in the next week and I'm doing nothing but study.

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