Wait for me?

631 11 1

Trigger Warning: (mentions of) abuse

Sunlight came filtering through the curtains and casted an orange glow over the room.
The covers were uncomfortably warm and anxiety caused your skin to be drenched in a cold sweat.
You sat upright on the bed, hugging your knees while the chilly air that came in from the tilted window felt cool on your bare back and you pondered on what to do now.
You swore to yourself that you'd never stoop down on his level, cheating on him because he cheated on you wouldn't make you any better than he was but here you were, Bucky still dead asleep next to you.
Jason would completely freak if he found out and he had accused you of being unfaithful before even though you had been nothing but loyal to him.
Ever since his father died, his drinking habits had gotten a lot worse but you had always excused it as his way of grieving but it has reached a point where he let his frustration, anger and sadness out on you. 

You flinched when you felt a hand on your lower back and you turned around to see Bucky smiling softly at you with hooded eyes.
If you weren't eaten alive by guilt, you'd say he looked adorable with his hair sticking in every direction and the small grin which was directed at you only.
As an acknowledgement of him being awake, you cracked a small smile before turning back around, imagining scenarios from best to worst.
You heard him shuffle and a shiver moved down your spine when you felt his hands on your shoulders and his lips leaving faint kisses at the base of your neck.

"Morning." His voice was raspy.


"How'd you sleep?" He asked with his hands gliding up and down your arms.

"Okay, I guess." You shrugged, still not facing him.

"What's wrong?" Bucky could easily tell that something was wrong so he gently grabbed your chin and turned your face towards him.

You had long perfected this fake smile that you put on whenever you were confronted with something you couldn't put into words so you shook your head with this mastered innocent grin and huffed.


"Your hands are shaking and I'm pretty sure it's not because the window's open." Bucky said, upset that you couldn't tell him what bothered you.

"Bucky it's nothing, I promise." You said and turned to face him entirely. "I'm just a little worn out."

"You feel guilty because of Jason, don't you?" Bucky asked and your lack of answer was enough for him.

"I'm sorry, [y/n]." He sighed and fell back against the mattress. "But I still don't regret last night."

"That's because you're not in a relationship with someone as emotionally wrecked as Jason." You said, turning her back to him.

"You mean as toxic and abusive as Jason." Bucky commented and you turned around with a glare.

"Of course." You chuckled but not out of amusement. "You can look at this as a fun little encounter while I have to worry about the integrity of my relationship with the man I've been with for five years!"

"[Y/n] he's physically abusing you!" Bucky exclaimed. "Why can't you put yourself first for once in your life and leave him?"

"Because he needs me." You said defensively. "You know what it's like to have no one to turn to and I'm the only constant in his life ever since his brother's gone and his father is dead. I can't just leave him, Bucky."

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