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God bless Greta Thunberg for coming up with Friday's for future because the crowd of angry activist teenagers was allowing you to stay undetected from a certain group of superheroes of which one wanted to execute you publicly from what you heard.

How this all happened?
A month ago you learned that your little sister had been kidnapped and in order to keep her safe, you had to provide her captors with some top secret intel on the Avengers, more so the Winter Soldier himself, which was easy, seeing that you've been a high level shield agent for a couple years and you've known each of them on a personal level.
You considered them to be more than coworkers, friends even and you felt horrible with yourself, betraying them like that but your sister was the only family you still had so you had to set your priorities straight here.

Most of your family had died early in your childhood, your mother taken from you by a tumor, your father, a police officer, gunned down during a drive-by shooting which eventually got you into law enforcement.
This way you thought it was easier to protect the remaining family you had and you'd promised yourself and your sister that you'd never let anybody hurt her.
You didn't want to imagine how pissed she was at you that you broke your promise.
It only took the team a week to find out that there was a leak and it took them another week to find out it was you.

How you managed to not get caught even surprised you and you've been hiding from them for four days now but you've gotten a little less careful and came home to find three of them waiting for you in your apartment, hence why you were currently pushing through an angry mob of highschool kids to preserve not only your own but your sister's life as well.

Turning your head, you saw none other than Bucky closing in on you and the crowd grew thinner the closer you got to the road and you started to panic.
You sprinted into oncoming traffic, cars honking at you and the drivers cursing and yelling at you to get off the fucking street after they were forced to slam on the brakes in order not to run you over but they reigned themselves in after they saw they're beloved heroes run after the crazy person that jumped in front of their car.
You weaved in between cars during a traffic jam after hearing a loud thud you turned around to see Bucky standing on top of a car with a rifle pointed at you.

Luckily you ducked out of the way before the bullet could do highly harmful or even fatal damage and you thought you heard him curse before picking up the pursuit on you again.
Where the others were you didn't know but Bucky was your biggest problem anyway so you just hoped that he was faster than the others and they weren't cornering you at the next intersection.
You were wrong, looking to your left you saw Nat standing against a lamppost and the sunlight reflected in Steve's shield who was coming from the direction you would've run to.
Your eyes landed on a sewer entrance that was surrounded by a construction barrier so you leaped over the fence and straight into the hole.

You knew that they wouldn't let some sewage stop them from taking you in and your fears were confirmed when you heard the splashing of water behind you, making it evident that someone had followed you into the tunnel.
You ran along the side of the canal and turned around every now and then to see a bulky figure closing in on you but the dark made it hard to tell whether it was Bucky or Steve but what was the difference?
Maybe Steve would spare you the beating of a lifetime and just put some handcuffs on you unlike Bucky who'd prefer you to be cuffed to a hospital bed rather than an interrogation table but you fully understood why.

He liked you, unlike the other agents you weren't put off by the arm or the stories they told each other about the atrocities he committed, you showed curiosity in his upbringings and his life before the war which made you very likable in his eyes.
Sometimes he came to you when he had problems with modern day technology, not being in the mood for Stark's teasing antics and comments about his age and you'd spend the rest of the day together doing things and talking about stuff like normal friends would.
He'd watch you train new recruits and told you that you could've made a great division supervisor in his time, the way you yelled at the trainees.

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