Dropping out? Hell no!

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"Because my biology teacher wants to see me burn in hell and he's doing everything in his power to get me there!" You stated as you exited the elevator and your father trailing behind you. "I am so dropping out."

"You'll do no such thing." Tony said and you turned around.

"Who are you to stop me?" You screeched.

"Your father?"

"He has a point, you know?" Bucky spoke up from his spot on the couch and ducked when a notebook came flying at his head.

"Just because I declared you as my uncle doesn't mean you have to side with him! I thought you'd support my idea of dropping out and letting Nat train me so I can join you guys on missions and stuff." You complained and didn't see how Tony's eyes popped out of their sockets.

Living with the Avengers as Tony Stark's daughter was entertaining on one side.
You weren't just Tony's kid but everyone just enjoyed trading their superhero job for spending a day with a normal person like yourself.
It also came with a lot of perks.
History test coming up? Captain America is right next door. Chemistry exam? Bruce Banner is cooking up something in the lab on the 3rd floor.
On the other side, they kept treating you like a child, which essentially you were but being almost 18 should give you the liberty to decide some things for yourself right?
Well not in this household.

"You're not dropping out or being trained by anyone in this building. End of discussion." Tony stated before walking out and all you could do was watch him with an expression of disbelief.

"Who does he think he is?" You asked yourself.

"Your father." Bucky said again and you were again looking for something to throw at him.

"School is stressful, sure but you'll regret dropping out believe me." Bucky handed you your notebook you launched at him earlier before giving you a pat on the back.

"Did you drop out?" You asked curiously but he shook his head.

"I graduated. Barely." Bucky chuckled. "But better barely graduating than not at all!"

Again you watched him leave and you found yourself alone in the living room of the compound.
The reason for your desire to quit school was inspired by a teacher, giving you an unacceptable grade for a project that you worked day and night on.
The effort you had put into this project was worth much more than a C+ and you'd been so close to throwing a book in his face but that would've only made things worse.


"I wish I would've graduated. Dropping out of school was the biggest mistake I made." Clint said and you sighed, watching him target practice.

"Why? Is this dumb diploma really worth all the stress, anxiety and humiliation?" You asked, disappointed in his answer.

"You're in your last year, kiddo, now's the worst time to drop out. You also shouldn't care so much about other people's opinion, just do your thing and you'll be done with this hellhole in no time." He smiled at you while hitting dead center with another arrow again.

"Well, he's my teacher. His opinion is the only one that matters." You huffed and Clint put the bow down before he came over.

"I'm the dumb one in this team, [y/n]. Sure I could hit a target a mile away with my eyes closed but there's Bruce with his 20 PHD's, Tony, a walking encyclopedia, Steve is, as I found out, not just a dumb blonde with muscles and Nat, well Nat is a class of her own." Clint explained. "All I'm saying is you don't want to end up like me with only one thing you're good at that won't get you anywhere. Maybe a circus but not anywhere important."

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