Colors - Soulmate AU

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It was a beautiful day when Bucky decided to step outside and catch some fresh air.
The colors shone vividly around him and with the brightness of everything around him, his mood brightened as well.
It used to be so grey and dull in his life, the lack of happiness in his life becoming evident with the overflow of blacks and whites.
Until one day, everything lit up around him.
It was the day where a new recruit moved into the tower and Bucky knew, the second he saw her that she was different than the others before her.
[Y/n] could only be described with the words gentle and loving, everything she did was carried out with a certain softness that made her appear almost fragile but Bucky knew better than to underestimate her.
When he introduced himself to her, he was confused at how excited she was to meet him.

"It's so amazing to finally meet you in person after I only heard stories about you." She said with a bright smile.

"I hope they're good stories." Bucky nervously scratched his neck, hoping his past hadn't already scared her off.

"Only the best." She replied with an even bigger grin.

That day Bucky knew, [y/n] was special.
He knew that she was destined to enter his life and light it up and he could easily see himself falling for her.
Bucky was in a good mood, even though [y/n] had been on a mission the past week but she was supposed to return today anyway.
His midday stroll reached its end on Times Square and he always enjoyed just sitting there and watching the people rush past him.
It was as if he pressed the pause button on life when he sat still in midst of a bustling crowd.
Closing his eyes, he took in the scent of what could only be described as New York.
The smell of coffee from the surrounding coffee shops, the bitter smell of tar from the construction site, it all added up to what he knew to be his home.
When Bucky opened his eyes, he almost jumped to his feet, eyes wide with confusion.
Everything was grey again, the sky, the billboards even the people and Bucky didn't know why.

Looking at his hands, he thought he just looked into the sun for too long but his phone ringing, showing Natasha's number at the top of the screen, proved him differently.

"Nat? What's wrong?" He asked immediately.

"You need to come back now! [Y/n]'s back and she's hurt." Natasha explained hastily.

"Why what happened to her?" Bucky's confusion slowly morphed into concern.

"It's bad, Bucky. Really bad, she needs you here right now." Those were Natasha's last words before she hung up and Bucky ignored the judging eyes as he sprinted back to the tower.

He only needed half the time back and inside he went straight for the stairs as he made his way up to the medical floor where he found the entire team, anxiously waiting for the good news to come and the bad news to stay away.
Extraction gone wrong was the explanation for her condition and Steve had to hold him back so he would not just barge into the operating hall to see her.

"How long has she been in there." Bucky asked and tried to peek inside.

"20 minutes. I called you as soon as they wheeled her in." Natasha explained sadly. "It's not looking good, Bucky."

"But she's going to make it, right? It can't be that bad." He nervously chuckled but turned away when his eyes met Natasha's frowning ones.

"I can't lose her Nat. Everything's so dull and grey without her." Bucky admitted.

"I know what you mean and she's like the little sister I always wanted but-"

"You don't understand! Before I met her, everything was grey, no colors, no light, nothing. My life was nothing until she stepped into it. She made me see colors for the first time in my life, I can't lose her!"

With a huff he dropped down on the bench in front of the room and silence fell over the hall while they all waited for the surgeon to come out with the announcement that she made it, that they stopped the heavy bleeding and that all she needs right now is rest.
Another 30 minutes passed when the door opened and a man came out, the Shield logo on his coat hidden by a splotch of blood and his lips we're turned down in a frown.

"We tried everything we could but she had already lost too much blood." He explained. "I'm sorry."

The silence was uncomfortable with no one knowing what to say after they lost a part of their small dysfunctional family.
Bucky's eyes were trained on his hands, the absence of color crushing all his hopes of [y/n] still being alive because that's what happens when your soulmate dies.
Everything that makes life better fades away and with [y/n] gone, Bucky's life was back to the way it used to be.
Dull, grey and sad but more over, Bucky felt alone.

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