Night terror

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It was 3 in the morning when you woke up due to someone loudly yelling in the room next to you.
Bucky was still struggling to deal with his past and he managed to suppress it during the day but at night, the memories hit him like a tidal wave in the form of nightmares.
Steve introduced him to the Avengers after the fight at the airport and to him, you were the best friend he ever had, besides Steve.
As a psychiatrist, he was not only your friend but also your patient.
Tony called you in to deal with his anxiety and PTSD but soon the other team members came into your office to open up or just have someone listen to how their day was.

Although, you had to admit, Bucky was your favorite to come into your office.
He often just came in to talk with you and sometimes you'd go out for coffee together.
Just as friends of course.

You rolled out of your bed and sneaked out into the hallway.
There, Steve was already standing in front of Bucky's door and the muffled, pain filled yells coming from inside, out a worried look on his face.
You put a hand on his shoulder and placed your ear to the door to hear what his nightmare could be about.
You recognized a few words in Russian and sighed.

"Y/n. I-"

"I got it. Go back to sleep, Steve. I'll take care of him." You smiled sadly and gently pushed him in direction of his room.

You took a deep breath before opening the door and quietly going in, closing it behind you.
Bucky was on his bed, tangled in sheets and sweat covering his body.
You sat down next to his bed and gently placed a hand on his right arm.

"Bucky, wake up. It's just a dream, you only have to wake up and it's over." You whispered in his ear but he wouldn't hear you.

You shook him gently and repeated his name, slightly louder in hope he would hear you and wake up.
He opened his eyes and shot up, frantically looking around the room.
Once he saw you, his metal hand wrapped around your throat and pulled you closer to him.

"You're my mission." He muttered with a hint of a Russian accent.

"No, I'm not. I'm your friend, Bucky."

You knew freaking out would be useless, so you remained calm and subconsciously tried to unwrap his metal fingers from your throat.

"It's over, James. It was just a dream." You croaked out. "I'm here Bucky. Everything's fine, you're safe."

He glared at you but you tried to stay as calm as possible.
He was going to realize that he was awake soon and would let go but right now, the amount of air you were getting was nonexistent.

"Bucky, please."

Your hand found his flesh hand and once you entwined your fingers with his, his grip grew loose and he removed his hand from your neck.
Finally able to breathe again, you pulled him into a tight hug where he eventually started crying softly.

"It's okay, James. I'm here, nothing's going to happen to you." You said, your voice more raspy than usual.

"They want to put me back on ice. I don't want to go under the ice again." He whispered and tears of pity started dwelling in your eyes.

"I swear to you, no one will ever put you into cryo again. You're safe with us." You whispered and gently stroked his hair as he hugged you back.

"Y/n?" Bucky peeled himself off of you and was quick to wipe away the tears.

You nodded, realizing you were still holding his hand.
It was dark in his room, the only light coming from the moon reflecting on his arm, so Bucky couldn't really see the bruises that had already formed on your neck.
His grip had been tighter than anticipated but you didn't want to stress him out even more.

"What did I do?" He asked, the fear still apparent in his voice.

"Nothing. You just had a bad dream." You explained quietly and attempted at pushing him back into the cushions.

His right hand found its way to your neck and you winced softly when it touched a bruise under your jaw.
He quickly pulled back and moved to the end of his bed.

"Did I- oh god, I am a monster." He said and although he tried to push you away, you sat next to him and pulled him in again, your hand in his hair again.

"You are anything but a monster, Bucky. A monster wouldn't sacrifice its life to protect its friends like you do." You both sank into his pillows and he rested his head on your stomach.

"I hurt you, y/n. I could've killed you." He muttered into your shirt as you pulled the blanket over the both of you.

"But you didn't. And that's what matters." You said. "I'm not going to leave you, Bucky. Ever. I need you just as much as you need me."

Bucky was full on hugging your torso and you raked your hands through his hair in attempt to calm him down.
Maybe, he was more than just your favorite patient.
Maybe he was more than just your friend.
You couldn't stand seeing him like this and you didn't even dare to think about what would happen if he was gone.
What you didn't know was, that Bucky felt the same way about you.
You weren't just a psychiatrist or a friend of Tony's.
Bucky would be lost without you.

A sigh of relief escaped when you felt his chest move up and down in a steady rhythm, signaling you that he had fallen back asleep.
You continued to play with his hair until you fell asleep too.

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