"I'm not the only Winter Soldier."

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Steve and Sam sat in front of the monitors, watching Bucky being interrogated and evaluated.
It wasn't until the lights turned off and sirens went off that every one became tense and worried.

"Come on guys, get me eyes on Barnes!" Everett Ross was frantically trying to get the systems back up and running.

"We have a security breach on sub-level 5, east wing." One of the agents said, still receiving a signal over the comms.
Turning back to the screening room, Ross found Rogers and Wilson gone.


Both the doctor and Bucky's attention turned to the locked door when a loud bang came from behind it.
Again and again until the door came off the hinges and a masked figure stood in the hallway.
Coming in, she pulled out a gun from her waist, locking a bullet in the doctor's leg.

"Он мой."  ("He's mine.")

Bucky pulled at his restraints while the figure came closer until it stopped in front of the glass.
A mask covering most of her face, Bucky got a look at the dark, emotionless look in her bright (y/e/c) eyes.
She kept her (y/h/c) hair in a braid and wore gloves to conceal her hands.
Their eyes met for a short moment before she began punching the glass.
Bucky's confused stare fell on her right arm, illuminated by the red lights blinking in his cell.

Not sure if he could believe what he saw, he watched her pull back her right arm for a final punch that made the glass break.
She ripped the restraints of his arms and pulled him out by his collar.

"Подписывайтесь на меня!"  ("Follow me!")

Before she moved, she put her gun to Bucky's left shoulder and pulled the trigger, causing him to draw in a sharp breath and his arm to go limp.

She stopped in her tracks when she heard footsteps coming closer, fast.
Pulling Bucky with her in the corner behind where the door once was, she waited for Steve and Sam to come in.
Steve rushed in and pushed the doctor up against the wall.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Steve asked.

"To see an empire fall." His eyes fell on you in the corner.

Sam came in and she immediately assaulted him, missing his head by a few inches and knocking off a piece of the concrete wall.
Dodging his punch, she grabbed him by his jaw and flipped him over her shoulder and into the remains of Bucky's cell.
Steve came at her and ducked under her punch only to hit her square in the jaw, causing her to take a step back.

She took a wild swing at his face and missed but followed the move with a kick to his torso, sending him straight to the floor.
Going for another kick, Steve dodged her foot with his arm and stood back up.
Dodging most of her punches and landing a few himself, she still managed to back him up into the elevator door, almost breaking it.

Steve saw her right hand coming for his face and caught it, straining and trying to push her back but she overpowered him and pushed him through the elevator door and sent him flying down.
With a glare, she made sure Steve wasn't going to follow them any time soon and retrieved Bucky from the holding room and made her way upstairs.
Reaching the entrance hall, she took out two more guards and pulled out her gun to kill one of them but stopped when a high pitched sound rang through her ears.

She turned around to see Tony and started walking, only to go down, shielding her eyes from the bright flash that had come from Tony's hand.
Aiming right between his eyes, Tony caught the gun and barely caught the bullet that was meant to go through his head.

He pulled the barrel off with a smile and whacked it across her face only to be kicked into a chair that broke under the sheer force of her kick and his weight

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He pulled the barrel off with a smile and whacked it across her face only to be kicked into a chair that broke under the sheer force of her kick and his weight.

Defending herself against Sharon, Natasha and T'Challa, she dragged a bleeding Bucky behind her up the stairs to where the helicopter landing site was.
Meanwhile, Steve had managed to escape the elevator shaft and had followed his best friend and the anonymous attacker upstairs and outside, where she had already started the helicopter.

Pulling it down with all of his strength, she saw that she couldn't shake him off so she turned around, trying to knock him down with the rotor blades.
Steve heaved himself up and tried peaking into the cabinet through the cracked window.
Her metal hand punched through the glass and found its way around his throat.

Fighting with his last bit of strength, Steve managed to push the helicopter over the edge but was pulled down with it into the water below.
Inside, her and Bucky's heads cracked against the windshield, knocking the both of you out.


Bucky woke up with a pounding headache and found himself in an abandoned warehouse.
He was sitting on a chair, his left arm loosely tied to a pole.

"Hey, Cap!" Sam yelled.

Bucky turned his head to see Sam and Steve rushing in.
Carefully untying his arm, he hissed in pain with the bullet still in his shoulder.
He looked around again and found the mysterious girl sitting in front of him, her arm trapped in a large steel contraption.

She was still unconscious and the blood that had formed on her forehead after the impact, had dried.
She started moving when the two came in and opened her eyes when Bucky stood up.

"Where am I?" Her voice was low and there was a confused look on her face when she lifted her head.

"Irrelevant. Who are you and what did you want with Barnes?" Sam demanded.

"Who is Barnes?" Her eyes went around the room and finally landed on Bucky who was standing a little behind Steve and Sam.

She sat up straight and tried to pull her arm out, panting.

"Don't even bother tryi-" Sam started but never finished.

"Get him away from me!" She yelled, panic lacing her fear-strained voice.

"What?" Steve and looked at Bucky with a confused look and then back to her, working to free her arm.

"Please! Just let me go, I'm begging you!" Her voice broke and she stood up, still trying.

The contraption shifted and squeaked, putting a look of worry on the soldiers' faces.
Bucky went over to her and grabbed her other arm making her look at him.

"Why did you break me out? What do you want from me?" Fear was technically written on her face and tears were streaming down her face.

She pulled against him, but her dominant arm was still trapped.

"Break you out? What the hell are you talking about? You were beating the living shit out of me, a few hours ago!"

Bucky turned around with a quizzical look which was returned by his friends.
Steve was thinking about the doctor and the lengths he went to get 10 minutes with his friend.
What if Bucky wasn't the only reason for his visit?

"Buck. Who was he? The doctor?" Steve asked.

"I don't know." His grip on her loosened and she immediately pulled away.

"I need you to do better than 'I don't know'." Steve said, crossing his arms in front of him.

"He wanted to know about Siberia. Where I was kept. He wanted to know exactly where!" Bucky was staring at the ground in front of him.

"Why would he need to know that?"

There was a pause before Bucky answered.
She sat back on the chair and had given up on her arm and looked like she was waiting for them to kill her. 

"Because I'm not the only Winter soldier." Bucky had a serious look on his face when he lifted his gaze from the ground.

They all turned around and all eyes were on her now.

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