Highway #2

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You woke up with pain, searing through every part of your body.
Sitting up didn't go well with your back, your throat was sore as if someone tried to squeeze the life out of you and the back of your head was throbbing.
Looking around, you found yourself inside a cell, a circular room with nothing but glass hindering your escape.
Just as you got up, a door opened and none other than the soldier himself, your trainee walked in.
A typical scowl on his face but a tray of food in his hands that had you mentally drooling.

"Good, you're up. How's it feel to stand on the other side of the bars for the first time, huh?" He asked, obviously enjoying that he had you locked up.

"Not my first time. Please tell me you have some pain killers on that tray?" You asked, craning your neck like a curious kid.

"Oh, you want that? We're searching for hidden Hydra bases. You can have all that if you tell me where they are." He said, showing hints of a smirk.

You gave him that Seriously? look and sat back down on the makeshift bed, making him round your cell until he was practically next to you again.
There was no escape from him.
Crossing your arms, you let out a sigh, trying to ignore the pain shooting up your back from bending it.

"I'm waiting for an answer."

"Shove that tray up where you got it from. If you want answers, fight me for them." You hissed, ignoring the clatter of the tray, hitting the floor.

"You want to fight me again? After I almost killed you?" He quipped and you faced him.

"Should've done it when you had the chance."

"I would've ripped your throat out then and there but Sam had a better idea." He slammed his fist against the glass, causing it to crack and your lips curled into a smile.

"Always the obedient soldier, following orders. You think they tortured you? Brainwashed you into doing their dirty work? They just reminded you of what your job is and gave you new orders." You spat, turning your back to him.

If it wasn't for the glass, your body parts would've been scattered all around the cell and your blood would be everywhere.
He stared at you with murder in his eyes and you silently thanked the Avengers for locking you up.
Bucky continued to think of different ways to end your life as painful as possible while he glared at you but eventually he rounded your cell and the door to your floor slid open, revealing the Captain on the other side.

"If you want answers, you have to fight me for them." You called, causing Bucky to halt in the door and turn back around to you.

"If you win, I'll tell you everything I know. If I win, you have to let me go." You offered and you recognized a smirk on the soldier's face as soon as he was close enough to your cell again.

"You really want a round two, don't you?" He snickered.

"I do. Are you scared you're going to lose?" You walked up to the door until you were face to face with the Winter Soldier.

"Let her out, Steve." Bucky ordered with a mischievous grin.


You rolled your shoulders and jumped a little to loosen the muscles in your legs.
You'll need to be quick on your feet if you want to stand a chance against him.
He was taller than you so had to be quicker than him.
Only problem is that he wasn't as slow as you calculated him to be.
Of course he wasn't, you trained him not to rely on strength and physical advantages only, you taught him to think during a fight, to read an opponent's weaknesses and use his strengths against him.
Bucky knew that you were quicker than him so he had to land few but effective hits to take you out.
Your only chance stood in prolonging the fight until he ran tired so you could just pounce on him and beat the living daylights out of him.
But he probably had stamina for days thanks to this stupid serum so that idea went out the window as soon as it formed.

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