Night out

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"Bucky, our target is watching you and [Y/n] constantly, you're this close to blowing your cover."

Nat's voice was surprisingly clear over the comm even though the music was blasting at full volume.
You froze when Bucky dipped his head to your ear and if it weren't for the sake of your cover you would've slapped him back in time.

"Public displays of affection make people uncomfortable even in a place like this."

"Don't you fucking dare, Barnes." You hissed with a very fake smile.

"[Y/n], now's not the time to be a stuck up brat." Bucky stated with a smirk and your plastered smile dropped and you practically murdered him with your eyes.

"If you kiss me, I won't hesitate to break your fucking jaw." You threatened with a sweet smile and kept dancing but with your back turned to him.

"Guys he's still looking at you." Nat pointed out with an urgent tone and Bucky rolled his eyes.

"Not the first time I've been hit in the face by a girl." He shrugged.

His hands were still on your waist and you were about to protest when he turned you around but froze when he pressed his lips on yours.
Hating to admit that he wasn't half bad at this, you slung your hands around his neck and felt him smile against your lips.
His left arm, which was still cold as ice despite the sleeve covering it, snaked around your back and pulled you tight against his chest and you couldn't help but roll you eyes at his overly cocky and self confident behavior so you moved your hands up into his hair and forcefully tugged at it.
The way he groaned in pain had you smiling triumphantly against his lips that were still moving skillfully against your own.

"Alright he's gone back to the bar, you can stop now."

Natasha's input came in the right time because you almost enjoyed being this close to Bucky and briefly considered him to be more than a friend but then you remembered that you couldn't stand him and this was all to distract a target from them.

"Do that again and I'll kill you." You said quietly but loud enough for him to hear over the pumping bass of the music.

"Stop pretending that you didn't enjoy it." He countered with a condescending smirk and you rolled your eyes before letting him know that you had to go to the bathroom.

The bathroom was empty to your luck and the air was fresher than on the overcrowded floor.
Looking into the mirror, you noticed your blushed cheeks and dropped your head in shame.
You hated the effect Bucky had on you, even though he managed to ruin your mood no matter what he did, he was undeniably one of the most attractive men you had ever met and the longer you thought back to the kiss, the more you imagined what it would be like to have this constantly.

"Now is not the time to think about my love life." You reminded yourself out loud and turned to meet back up with Bucky but the door opened and none other than your target walked in.

"Wrong bathroom, pal." You laughed at him and moved to walk past him but a hand on you arm held you back and he not so gently pushed you back inside.

"You didn't actually think, that little act you and your boyfriend put up would distract me from the fact that you two have been surveying me the entire night, did you?" He said with a cocky smile.

"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm here to have a good time with my man, so I'd appreciate it if you'd let me leave this stinking bathroom." You said, with a smidge of authority in your voice.

You'd be happy to kick his ass and bring him in right here and now but that was not part of the plan.
He didn't reply and luckily you were quick enough to evade the punch he aimed at your right cheek and sent him crashing against the door with a kick to his chest.
Chuckling, he straightened up and you rolled her eyes, not really being in the mood to fight someone right now, seeing that you weren't completely sober.
He came at you with a wild hook which you ducked under before landing a blow to his gut but he managed to push you against the wall with enough force the crack the tiles.
You recovered from the impact even though your back hurt and you were sure some of the splitters stuck in your back but you were determined to knock him out here and now.
Before you could break his nose with the wild left hook, he managed to dodge it and grab you by the back of her neck, letting your face collide with the mirror behind him.
You felt the blood trickle down from her temple and the corner of your eye and before you regained your focus, he had a fist in your hair and slammed your face down again the porcelain sink, shattering it and sending you straight to the floor.

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