A/N: sadly not an update

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I hope you're all doing okay
I finally know when I'm writing my finals and I've already had like three existential crises and four mental breakdowns because they're in exactly one month.
I still have four weeks to learn EVERYTHING and my teachers are all a little incompetent.
My German teacher said he'd send us material via email and the grades for our last exam.

I'm not too worried about my German grade, I'll be interpreting a short story which is relatively easy and English is my best subject so that's going to be easy peasy too.
But then there's math of which I know nothing and biology which is giving me a panic attack because it's sooooooooooooooooooo much material.

I could honestly lose my shit when I'm sitting at my desk and I look out the window to see little fourteen year olds going out while I'm stuck inside.
I'm not jealous of them being dumb and ignorant but Houseparty group calls with the girls don't really cut it anymore.

Maybe as a distraction I'll pick up writing again but I should probably be focusing on becoming the reincarnation of Charles Darwin so I have a chance at an acceptable final grade.

I have a lot of stuff planned after graduation, a medical internship in BOSTON, studying criminology/medicine in the Netherlands because I'd like to become a medical examiner later on, traveling but none of that is probably gonna happen...

Anyway I hope everyone's still healthy and not dying of boredom in this quarantine.
I've started working out again, in case I ever get out of self isolation to flaunt some abs 😂😁

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