"I still got it."

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"Listen, I'm not the one you're looking for, I'm a waitress in a hole-in-the-wall diner and have no idea of who you guys are." You pleaded.

"You should know better than to go in hiding in a public place like this. Did you really think we wouldn't find you?" Your captor sneered. "You are our most prized experiment. We can't just let you roam around freely in the world."

You tried to pull your wrists out of the rope that kept you bound to the chair but you only ended up rubbing yourself sore.
It was all a huge misunderstanding.
These guys showed up at the diner and acted all normal until you went outside for your break when one of them approached you and before you could even ask him what he wanted from you, a syringe pierced the delicate skin on your neck and you fell unconscious into the man's arms.
You woke up later, tied to a chair with tape covering your mouth, in a dark room with only a lightbulb swinging around over your head.

"Sir please. I don't know anything about that Winter Soldier guy. Apart from the stuff that was on the news after that thing in DC." You huffed. "What would I get from lying to you?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out." He said and roughly grabbed your jaw to make you face him.

His face looked rough.
A long scar over his right eye and messy grey strands that fell around his face.
Brown eyes bore into your [e/c] ones and they widened when he pulled a knife out of his pocket and held it under your chin.

"I would recognize those [e/c] eyes everywhere." He said with an eerie smirk before quickly slicing the knife across your cheekbone.

You winced, feeling the blood seep out and drip down your cheek and off your chin.
This wasn't going to be the last cut adorning your soft skin and you were terrified of the thought of being tortured.
What you didn't realize when you were roughly dragged into the back of a van that had been standing in the parking lot for three days, was the man in the back alley.
He had been after the three men who kidnapped you and finally saw his opportunity for getting his revenge on the people who had ruined his entire life and cost him his left arm and his identity.

You were covered in blood, all of it your own, oozing out of different cuts which were littered over every exposed area of skin in your black uniform.
You were tired and on the verge of passing out when suddenly the light bulb over your head turned off and red emergency lights started blinking and a siren sounded through the room.

"He's here." Your captor muttered to himself and his concentrated gaze turned into a sick grin.

He stood behind you and you flinched when you heard gunshots behind the wall and loud, pained screams before everything got silent.
The door, you weren't aware of being there, was kicked in and the cause of the agonized screams walked in.
A tall man with chin-length brown hair, his left arm had a weird silvery shine in the red light and you recognized the Avengers logo on his right arm.
The metal arm told you who he was and you didn't know if you should be relieved or worried that he was here now.

You didn't know of his breathtakingly quick recovery, how he got almost all of his memories back and was now an official member of the Avengers.
The machine gun in his hands was aimed at the man who stood behind you, the knife dangerously close to your throat.

"Sergeant Barnes. Always a delight to see you." He quipped but the Winter Soldier remained quiet, focused.

"What do you want with her? She's not your precious little experiment, you know that, don't you?" The soldier asked and you could detect the faint hints of a smirk.

"Then why are you here?" Your captor asked, his mood dropping when he came to realize that you were in fact just a simple waitress with similar features.

"To finish something I should've done 80 years ago." He said and pulled the trigger, the knife dropping into your lap and the man dropping to the ground with a bullet in between his eyes.

The soldier knelt down before you and untied your ankles from the chair before turning to the back to free your hands.
They were sore, imprints of the rope embedded in your wrists and an uncomfortable silence hung over the room.
He could somehow sense what you were feeling and held out his hand, the human one.

"James Barnes but you can call me Bucky." He introduced himself with a soft grin.

"[Y/n]." You stuttered and took his hand.

He looked you up and down, not checking you out but checking how badly you were hurt before he strapped the gun to his back and moved to pick you up when you backed away from him.

"I think I can walk, thank you." You dismissed and hesitantly took a step forward but you were unaware of how much blood you've lost when your legs gave out under you and Bucky quickly caught you before your face made contact with the concrete floor.

"You sure? Want to try again?" He asked, the smirk clear and visible right now, when he hooked one arm under your knees and one around your shoulders and carried you out into the hallway.

"Thank you." You muttered and your head lolled to the side when you passed out.

Bucky looked down on you with a gentle smile as he maneuvered his way through corpses until he reached the heavy front gate of the base, they brought you to.


The continuous beep of a heart monitor next to you was what woke you up and when your eyes fluttered open, they landed on a familiar brown mob of hair.
In the right corner of your room was another man, blonde hair and just as tall and buff as Bucky but your vision wasn't clear enough to recognize his face.
Bucky was quick by your side when you tried to sit up, assisting you with an arm and finally the room became clear and you almost had a heart attack.
The blond hair you saw earlier belonged to none other than Captain America and you tried everything to not break into a fan girl frenzy.

"Hello." You said quietly and again, a heartwarming smile spread on Bucky's face.

Before you got taken, you had served Bucky in the diner you worked in and he noticed that you just exuded some sort of positive energy with everything you did and he couldn't help but smile when you broke into a string of curses when you dropped a cup of coffee on the floor.
Somehow, a stranger managed to make him smile and when the three Hydra operatives took you, he just had to save you.

"Hello." Steve greeted you. "How are you feeling?"

"Hungry, mostly." You said and Bucky chuckled which caused Steve to furrow his eyebrows in a confused manner.

"I bet, you lost quite a lot of blood. The doctor said you can leave this afternoon, they just want you to recover properly." Bucky explained and you mimicked Steve's movement while you nodded.

"Hey, Buck? Can I talk to you outside for a moment?" Steve spoke up and Bucky followed him out, leaving you alone and confused in the room.

"What is it, Steve?"

"You're being weird. Very weird. Like, 1940's charmingly weird." Steve said and Bucky could only laugh at his friends confusion.

"Well, she is cute and I kinda just saved her life so maybe she'll repay me with a coffee? Who knows?" Bucky shrugged and re-entered your room.

Steve watched the conversation between you and his best friend and only saw you blush and nod before scribbling your number on a piece of paper and putting it in his hand.
Bucky came back out with a huge smirk and waved the piece of paper in Steve's face.

"I still got it, Stevie. 80 years worth of brainwashing and I still got it."

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